Wiki Mageia
Brainstorming about how to get more active contributors
Also to be merged, possible extra replies in the forums: add an off-list dev ml reply
← Older revision Revision as of 12:24, 15 October 2024 Line 158: Line 158: Everything from before October 7 has been merged. Leaving this link here for easier checking. Everything from before October 7 has been merged. Leaving this link here for easier checking. + +=To be merged, an off-list reply to dev ml= +I've been using Linux for about 20 years. There are some annoying things about it. +* Lots of graphical interfaces. +* Lots of boot systems. +* Lots of packaging systems. +* Incompatibility between packages of the same format. rpm packages from openSUSE don't work on Mageia and vice-versa. + +There are a lot of people doing the same job. lists 275 distributions. For each of these distributions, someone needs to do the packaging for it. + +One of the few things I can think of to improve the packaging problem is to adopt flatpak packages, only packaging what doesn't exist in this universal format. MarjaBrainstorming about how to get more active contributors
Less librification of packages for ease of packaging
← Older revision Revision as of 01:49, 15 October 2024 (One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)Line 99: Line 99: Once it will be made it should bring a breath of fresh air to the distribution and let it be more "efficient" also to the packaging process. With the newer cpu power/storage there should be enough room/power to test new stuff, new developing tools (that are already used elsewhere in other distro) and new ideas/scheme beside to the classic tools, at least for the size and the ambition of the distro. Once it will be made it should bring a breath of fresh air to the distribution and let it be more "efficient" also to the packaging process. With the newer cpu power/storage there should be enough room/power to test new stuff, new developing tools (that are already used elsewhere in other distro) and new ideas/scheme beside to the classic tools, at least for the size and the ambition of the distro. + +===Use a training mailing list for new packagers=== +A mailing list for this purpose was proposed a while back, I don't remember if it was implemented. + +The Idea is that those training to be packagers can post their questions on the list, and experienced packagers will answer their questions & give guidance. Like using a mailing list instead of or complementing a mentor. Altough a mentor would still be required to become a qualified packager. +Existing packagers could also post questions to the list, expecially useful to relatively new packagers. + +Being separate from the dev list is an advantage, as the dev list is primarily focused on problems with specific packages, and not how to package. + +A mailing list is better than online sites, as many using Mageia are not in European time zones, such a those in the Americas and Eastern Asia. This would give us a larger pool of potential packagers. + +===Make less use of librification=== +Current policies prefer moving libraries included in packages outside the upstream package. + +Although that makes it easier to adresse security concerns, it makes in harder to package an application, due to having to remove the internal library and link to the appropriate external version. In some cases we have to be vigilent to ensure that the version required by the library remains available. + +So except in relatively simple cases, we could use the libraries included in the upstream package. Of course that depends on the judgement of experienced packagers, and I'm not there yet. + ==A contributor works for free for a project if he has confidence in its future.== ==A contributor works for free for a project if he has confidence in its future.== + The foundations of mageia are sound. It's a community distribution with clear values. However, Our association governance doesn't work. The foundations of mageia are sound. It's a community distribution with clear values. However, Our association governance doesn't work. ===Improve our Association Governance:=== ===Improve our Association Governance:=== Andre999Brainstorming about how to get more active contributors
How to reach potential contributors
← Older revision Revision as of 17:31, 14 October 2024 Line 22: Line 22: ==Statistics needed regarding younger newgen developers== ==Statistics needed regarding younger newgen developers== to remain in the linux world, I guess many of them are developing on other linux forks, e.g. android os or android apps, but here we need more statistics. to remain in the linux world, I guess many of them are developing on other linux forks, e.g. android os or android apps, but here we need more statistics. + =How to reach potential contributors= =How to reach potential contributors= Line 28: Line 29: Well, if we are brainstorming about how to increase contributors, I would say that there are several things that would help. Well, if we are brainstorming about how to increase contributors, I would say that there are several things that would help. − * Demonstrate that contributing has tangible benefit to the community.+* Demonstrate that contributing has tangible benefit to the community. − * Share details of what, specifically, help is needed with.+* Share details of what, specifically, help is needed with. − * Provide a clear path for getting involved.+* Provide a clear path for getting involved. + + += Who is a contributor = +* well, developers, helpers in forum, users, anyone can be a contributor +* ''your'' time contributing or ''wanting'' giving time to contribute makes the difference +* for example: editing this wiki is a contribution, proposing ideas is be(com)ing a contributor ==Previously used methods that may need to be revived or enhanced== ==Previously used methods that may need to be revived or enhanced== BaudActiver les dépôts Testing-fr
added NL banner
← Older revision Revision as of 10:38, 14 October 2024 Line 4: Line 4: [[Category:Triage]] [[Category:Triage]] −{{Multi language banner-fr|[[Aktivieren_der_Testmedien-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Enabling_the_Testing_media|English]] ; [[Activer les dépôts Testing-fr|Français]]}}+{{Multi language banner-fr|[[Aktivieren_der_Testmedien-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Enabling_the_Testing_media|English]] ; [[Activer les dépôts Testing-fr|Français]] ; [[Activeren van de Testing-pakketdepots-nl|Nederlands]] ; }} == Pourquoi les dépôts Testing sont désactivés ? == == Pourquoi les dépôts Testing sont désactivés ? == HugomarcEnabling the Testing media
added NL banner
← Older revision Revision as of 10:37, 14 October 2024 Line 1: Line 1: −{{multi language banner|[[Aktivieren_der_Testmedien-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Enabling_the_Testing_media|English]] ; [[Activer_les_dépôts_Testing-fr|Français]]}}+{{multi language banner|[[Aktivieren_der_Testmedien-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Enabling_the_Testing_media|English]] ; [[Activer_les_dépôts_Testing-fr|Français]] ; [[Activeren van de Testing-pakketdepots-nl|Nederlands]] ; }} == Why are they disabled? == == Why are they disabled? == HugomarcAktivieren der Testmedien-de
added NL banner
← Older revision Revision as of 10:36, 14 October 2024 Line 3: Line 3: [[Category:Triage]] [[Category:Triage]] [[Category:Howtos]] [[Category:Howtos]] −{{multi_language_banner-de|[[Aktivieren der Testmedien-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Enabling the Testing media|English]] ; [[Activer_les_dépôts_Testing-fr|Français]]}}+{{multi_language_banner-de|[[Aktivieren der Testmedien-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Enabling the Testing media|English]] ; [[Activer_les_dépôts_Testing-fr|Français]] ; [[Activeren van de Testing-pakketdepots-nl|Nederlands]] ; }} {{mgaport-de|url=Testmedien}} {{mgaport-de|url=Testmedien}} HugomarcActiveren van de Testing-pakketdepots-nl
Created page with " Category:Contributors Category:QA Category:Triage Category:Howtos Category:Nederlands Category:Documenten-nl {{multi language banner|Aktivieren_de..."
New page
{{multi language banner|[[Aktivieren_der_Testmedien-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Enabling_the_Testing_media|English]] ; [[Activer_les_dépôts_Testing-fr|Français]] ; [[Activeren van de Testing-pakketdepots-nl|Nederlands]] ; }}
== Waarom zijn de Testing-depots uitgeschakeld? ==
Updaten vanuit de Testing-pakketdepots (repositories) is standaard niet ingeschakeld. U kunt vanuit deze depots pakketten installeren, maar u kunt geen bestaand pakket updaten met eentje uit Testing. De reden hiervoor is simpelweg dat de software die erin staat niet getest is. Hoewel de pakketmakers meestal goed controleren of ze iets kapot hebben gemaakt, of ergens anders problemen hebben veroorzaakt, is het gewoon niet gecontroleerd.
Hier komt het [[QA Team-nl|QA-team]] om de hoek kijken!
{{note-nl|De benamingen "media" en "repository" (pakketdepot) worden soms door elkaar gebruikt - ze verwijzen naar de plek waar programmapakketten worden opgehaald.
"Media" betekent in sommige andere gevallen het ISO-installatiebestand.}}
== Wat betekenen al die namen? ==
Het zal u waarschijnlijk opvallen dat u veel meer media hebt uitgeschakeld dan ingeschakeld.
; Release media
: Dit zijn de media waaruit de meeste pakketten die we voor het eerst installeren afkomstig zijn. Ze bevatten alle pakketten zoals ze waren op het moment van de release (de editie van Mageia).
; Debug media
: Debug media bevat debug-informatie van de verschillende pakketten. We hoeven ons daar niet echt zorgen over te maken. Hoewel ze nuttig kunnen zijn om te helpen bij het debuggen van een pakket dat crasht, hoeft u over het algemeen niet vanaf deze media te updaten, alleen vanaf deze media te installeren.
; Updates media
: Deze bevatten alle bijgewerkte pakketten (updates) die de [[QA proces voor het valideren van updates-nl|QA-validatie]] hebben doorstaan en door de systeembeheerders zijn gepusht (verplaatst van het ene medium naar het andere).
; Updates Testing media
: Dit zijn enkele van de media waarin we hier geïnteresseerd zijn. De Testing media bevatten bijgewerkte pakketten die wachten op [[QA proces voor het valideren van updates-nl|QA-validatie]]. Pakketten blijven daarin, totdat ze door het Sysadmin-team naar de relevante Updates-media worden gepusht.
; Backports media
: Backports zijn nieuwe versies van pakketten die eigenlijk niet in de bestaande release thuishoren. Ze kunnen vaak nieuwe en gewenste functies brengen, maar ook nieuwe en ongewenste problemen. Hoewel ze wel een [[QA proces voor het valideren van updates-nl|QA-validatie]]-proces doorlopen, kunnen ze conflicteren met andere pakketten op het systeem en worden ze grotendeels niet ondersteund.
; Backports Testing media
: Hier worden nieuwe backported pakketten bewaard totdat ze de [[QA proces voor het valideren van updates-nl|QA-validatie]] hebben doorlopen wanneer ze naar de relevante Backports-media worden verplaatst.
== Wat betekenen ''enabled'' (geactiveerd) en ''updates'' hier eigenlijk? ==
Zoals u in het bovenstaande overzicht ziet, worden bijgewerkte pakketten apart van de originele set in de media van ''Release'' bewaard. De bijgewerkte pakketten worden bewaard in de media van ''Updates''. Bijvoorbeeld ''Core Release'' en ''Core Updates''. De pakketten in ''Core Updates'' zijn bijgewerkte versies van de pakketten in ''Core Release''.
Om het proces van het installeren van updates te versnellen, worden alleen media waarvan is aangeduid dat zij bijgewerkte pakketten bevatten, gecontroleerd op nieuwere versies van wat u hebt geïnstalleerd. Dit is wat wordt bedoeld wanneer een media is ingesteld als een media met ''Updates''.
Er zijn ook media die de meeste gewone gebruikers niet willen gebruiken, zoals de Testing media (waar updatekandidaten worden gebouwd en getest voordat ze als updates worden gepusht) of de Debug media (die technische debuginformatie bevatten die vereist is door debuggingsoftware zoals gdb). Al deze media worden standaard voor u toegevoegd, maar slechts enkele zijn geactiveerd om te worden gebruikt. Alle 'Enabled' media (geactiveerde media) worden gebruikt en alle niet-geactiveerde media worden genegeerd.
== Welke media moet ik instellen als updatemedia ==
U zou moeten kunnen zien dat media met de naam Updates al zijn ingeschakeld voor updates, maar u moet dit mogelijk instellen op Nonfree Updates en Tainted Updates, als dat nog niet het geval is.
Voor onze doeleinden in [[QA Team-nl|QA Team]] moeten we updates kunnen testen van Updates Testing-media, maar we willen niet dat ze in eerste instantie zijn ingeschakeld, omdat we alleen de pakketten installeren van Updates Testing-media die we moeten installeren om een bepaalde update te kunnen testen. UpdatesTesting media '''mag u niet voortdurend ingeschakeld laten''' .
De extra media die u kunt instellen als updatemedia zijn:
* Core Updates Testing
* Nonfree Updates Testing
* Tainted Updates Testing
* Core 32bit Updates Testing ''(alleen x86_64)''
Updates van Release-media <u>mag u niet inschakelen!</u>
== Schakel ze op de eenvoudige manier in ==
Een eenvoudige manier om ze in te schakelen is door de expert-schakelaar te gebruiken zoals hieronder:
<pre>drakrpm-edit-media --expert</pre>
Plaats een vinkje in de kolom 'Updates' naast de hierboven vermelde media. Ze zouden moeten verschijnen zoals in de afbeelding hieronder, met het vinkje in de kolom Updates voor de (Core, Nonfree, Tainted) Updates Testing media.
== Schakel ze op de ingewikkelde manier in ==
U kunt ook de opdrachtregel in de tekst-console gebruiken en voorzichtig /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg handmatig bewerken, waarbij u de update-optie toevoegt aan de testing pakketdepots (repositories). U moet urpmi.cfg bewerken als root, dus voorzichtigheid is geboden.
Voeg gewoon het woord update toe op een aparte regel binnen de relevante secties. Verschillende secties zouden al update moeten bevatten, zoals Core Updates, wat u een idee geeft van wat u moet doen voor de Testing-secties.
Core\ Updates\ Testing {
key-ids: 80420f66
mirrorlist: $MIRRORLIST
with-dir: media/core/updates_testing
Als u twijfelt, breng dan geen wijzigingen aan in het bestand!
== Voeg ze apart toe ==
U kunt ook handmatig aparte Testing-repositories toevoegen vanaf de opdrachtregel, en deze toestaan om geactiveerd te worden voor updates met de opdracht urpmi.addmedia met de optie --update.
De syntaxis hiervoor is:
<pre>urpmi.addmedia choose-a-name --update $PROTOCOL://$MIRROR/path/to/Mageia/$ARCH/media/$MEDIA/$REPOSITORY_testing</pre>
<pre>urpmi.addmedia CUTesting --update
urpmi.addmedia NFBTesting --update</pre>
Zorg ervoor dat u de juiste architectuur voor uw installatie selecteert. De naam die u kiest, is geheel aan u. Een lijst met Mageia-mirrors vindt u [ hier].
== Hoe activeer ik Testing pakketdepots, en hoe schakel ik ze uit ==
Zodra u updates van Testing repositories hebt ingeschakeld, kunt u ze in- en uitschakelen met de Media Manager. U kunt dit als optie openen in rpmdrake of via het Mageia Control Centre (MCC), in de sectie Configure Media Sources for Install and Update.
Om dit vanaf de opdrachtregel aan te roepen, gebruikt u <code></code> als root.
U kunt ook de opdracht ''urpmi.update'' gebruiken, zoals hieronder:
Om Core Updates Testing in te schakelen:
urpmi.update --no-ignore "Core Updates Testing"
Om ze weer uit te schakelen:
urpmi.update --ignore "Core Updates Testing"
Vergeet niet om de media uit te schakelen nadat u de geselecteerde update voor testen hebt geïnstalleerd, anders wordt tijdens reguliere systeemupdates alles van de ingeschakelde testmedia geïnstalleerd.
Om dit makkelijker te maken zijn er een aantal [[QA Tips en Trucs-nl|nuttige aliassen]] die je kunt gebruiken.
Terug naar het [[QA Team Portal-nl|QA portaal]] Hugomarc
Brainstorming about how to get more active contributors
Add category
← Older revision Revision as of 20:25, 13 October 2024 Line 1: Line 1: +[[Category:Contributors]] + {{introduction| {{introduction| MarjaHoe gebruik ik Cauldron-nl
added corrections from Wally Oct 11 2024
← Older revision Revision as of 09:05, 11 October 2024 Line 49: Line 49: Verwijder al uw pakket-depots voor stabiele releases: Verwijder al uw pakket-depots voor stabiele releases: {{command|urpmi.removemedia -a|prompt=#}} {{command|urpmi.removemedia -a|prompt=#}} + +Remove old package signing key: + +{{command|rpm -e gpg-pubkey-80420f66-4d4fe123|prompt=#}} + + Nu moet u Cauldron-pakketdepots toevoegen. U kunt de mirrorlist (lijst van spiegels) gebruiken (er wordt automatisch een mirror voor u gekozen), of u kiest een specifieke mirror. Nu moet u Cauldron-pakketdepots toevoegen. U kunt de mirrorlist (lijst van spiegels) gebruiken (er wordt automatisch een mirror voor u gekozen), of u kiest een specifieke mirror. {{note-nl|Aangezien de updatefrequentie van een Cauldron-systeem erg hoog is, wordt het aanbevolen om een specifieke [ tier 1 mirror] te gebruiken. Voordat u een specifieke mirror toevoegt, controleert u de [ beschikbaarheidsstatus].}} {{note-nl|Aangezien de updatefrequentie van een Cauldron-systeem erg hoog is, wordt het aanbevolen om een specifieke [ tier 1 mirror] te gebruiken. Voordat u een specifieke mirror toevoegt, controleert u de [ beschikbaarheidsstatus].}} −Selecteer de volgende opdrachten, afhankelijk van uw computerarchitectuur: i586 voor 32-bits of x86_64 voor 64-bits.+Selecteer de volgende opdrachten, afhankelijk van uw computerarchitectuur: i686 voor 32-bits of x86_64 voor 64-bits. −Als u mirrorlist wilt gebruiken:+Als u een mirrorlist wilt gebruiken: −{{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib --mirrorlist <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}}+{{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib --mirrorlist <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}} of: of: {{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib --mirrorlist <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}} {{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib --mirrorlist <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}} Als u een specifieke server wilt gebruiken (de URL is een voorbeeld van een Tier 1-mirror): Als u een specifieke server wilt gebruiken (de URL is een voorbeeld van een Tier 1-mirror): −{{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}}+{{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib <nowiki>'https:/'</nowiki>|prompt=#}} or: or: −{{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}}+{{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}} +Installeer crypto-beleid-scripts om u er van te verzekeren dat het nieuwste crypto-beleid wordt toegepast: +{{command|urpmi crypto-policies-scripts|prompt=#}} Start ten slotte de upgrade: Start ten slotte de upgrade: −{{command|urpmi --auto-update --auto |prompt=#}}+{{command|urpmi --auto-update --auto --force|prompt=#}} ==== Upgrade van de nieuwste stabiele Mageia-versie naar Cauldron met DNF ==== ==== Upgrade van de nieuwste stabiele Mageia-versie naar Cauldron met DNF ==== HugomarcCauldron
Upgrade from the latest stable release to Cauldron using urpmi: i586 -> i686
← Older revision Revision as of 07:57, 11 October 2024 (6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)Line 33: Line 33: === How to install Mageia Cauldron === === How to install Mageia Cauldron === − −{{Warning| on October 10, 2024, it was found that crypto-policies needs to include the rpm-sequoia policy for an upgrade to cauldron to work. '''The upgrade methods below do not work, do this instead:'''<br> −* replace the urpmi repositories with the ones from cauldron (see below how to do that) and run 'urpmi.update -a' −* remove old rpmkeys with 'rpm -e gpg-pubkey-80420f66-4d4fe123' −* install cauldron's 'updated' rpmkey: −** rpmkeys --import −* install crypto-policies-scripts −* launch 'urpmi --auto-s --auto --force' to upgrade mga9 to cauldron}} There are two ways to install Mageia Cauldron. Both variants have advantages. There are two ways to install Mageia Cauldron. Both variants have advantages. Line 55: Line 47: Remove all your stable release repositories: Remove all your stable release repositories: {{command|urpmi.removemedia -a|prompt=#}} {{command|urpmi.removemedia -a|prompt=#}} + +Remove old package signing key: +{{command|rpm -e gpg-pubkey-80420f66-4d4fe123|prompt=#}} Now you need to add cauldron repositories. You can either use mirrorlist (it will choose automatically a mirror for you) or you pick a specific mirror. Now you need to add cauldron repositories. You can either use mirrorlist (it will choose automatically a mirror for you) or you pick a specific mirror. {{note|As the update frequency of a cauldron system is very high, it is recommended to use a specific [ tier 1 mirror]. Before you add a specific mirror check the [ availability status].}} {{note|As the update frequency of a cauldron system is very high, it is recommended to use a specific [ tier 1 mirror]. Before you add a specific mirror check the [ availability status].}} −Select the following commands depending on your computer architecture: i586 for 32-Bit or x86_64 for 64-Bit.+Select the following commands depending on your computer architecture: i686 for 32-Bit or x86_64 for 64-Bit. If you want to use mirrorlist: If you want to use mirrorlist: −{{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib --mirrorlist <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}}+{{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib --mirrorlist <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}} or: or: {{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib --mirrorlist <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}} {{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib --mirrorlist <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}} If you want to use a specific server (the URL is an example tier 1 mirror): If you want to use a specific server (the URL is an example tier 1 mirror): −{{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}}+{{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}} or: or: −{{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}}+{{command|urpmi.addmedia --distrib <nowiki>''</nowiki>|prompt=#}} + +Install crypto-policies-scripts to ensure latest crypto policies are applied: +{{command|urpmi crypto-policies-scripts|prompt=#}} Finally start the upgrade: Finally start the upgrade: −{{command|urpmi --auto-update --auto |prompt=#}}+{{command|urpmi --auto-update --auto --force|prompt=#}} ==== Upgrade from the latest stable release to Cauldron using DNF ==== ==== Upgrade from the latest stable release to Cauldron using DNF ==== WallyCauldron
How to install Mageia Cauldron
← Older revision Revision as of 18:30, 10 October 2024 (One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)Line 34: Line 34: === How to install Mageia Cauldron === === How to install Mageia Cauldron === −{{Note| on October 10, 2024, it was found that crypto-policies needs to include the rpm-sequoia policy for an upgrade to cauldron to work. The upgrade methods below won't work, do this instead:+{{Warning| on October 10, 2024, it was found that crypto-policies needs to include the rpm-sequoia policy for an upgrade to cauldron to work. '''The upgrade methods below do not work, do this instead:'''<br> * replace the urpmi repositories with the ones from cauldron (see below how to do that) and run 'urpmi.update -a' * replace the urpmi repositories with the ones from cauldron (see below how to do that) and run 'urpmi.update -a' * remove old rpmkeys with 'rpm -e gpg-pubkey-80420f66-4d4fe123' * remove old rpmkeys with 'rpm -e gpg-pubkey-80420f66-4d4fe123' MarjaTalk:Becoming a Mageia Packager
Created page with "After a recent meeting, neoclust ask me to write some suggestions I think the text is quite good, but we need that mentors and apprentices become more proactive, The mentor s..."
New page
After a recent meeting, neoclust ask me to write some suggestionsI think the text is quite good, but we need that mentors and apprentices become more proactive,
The mentor should assign task with more frequency to their apprentices and the apprentice need to gain confidence to involve in helping to package new things or fix broken things in packages already existing.
I get some complaints from my pals about they feel ignored or not receive feedback from their mentors.
Also, I think we most evaluate the skills of each candidate to make short the travel to people with some previous knowledge of packaging or if he/she learn easier than others (perhaps people with IT skills).
One rejected suggestion was the apprentices be allowed to package backports, and as until the padawan level requires supervision of the mentor could be a good idea to keep motivated to the candidates.
--[[User:Katnatek|katnatek]] ([[User talk:Katnatek|talk]]) 18:25, 10 October 2024 (UTC) Katnatek
How to install Mageia Cauldron: don't try the old upgrade methods!
← Older revision Revision as of 18:24, 10 October 2024 (2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)Line 33: Line 33: === How to install Mageia Cauldron === === How to install Mageia Cauldron === + +{{Note| on October 10, 2024, it was found that crypto-policies needs to include the rpm-sequoia policy for an upgrade to cauldron to work. The upgrade methods below won't work, do this instead: +* replace the urpmi repositories with the ones from cauldron (see below how to do that) and run 'urpmi.update -a' +* remove old rpmkeys with 'rpm -e gpg-pubkey-80420f66-4d4fe123' +* install cauldron's 'updated' rpmkey: +** rpmkeys --import +* install crypto-policies-scripts +* launch 'urpmi --auto-s --auto --force' to upgrade mga9 to cauldron}} There are two ways to install Mageia Cauldron. Both variants have advantages. There are two ways to install Mageia Cauldron. Both variants have advantages. MarjaSOP Delete user
More details
← Older revision Revision as of 02:49, 10 October 2024 Line 9: Line 9: == Deletion steps == == Deletion steps == −''The actual procedure is TBD. Some of the steps in [[SOP Rename user]] may be relevant. Don't blindly follow the following instructions quite yet.''+''The actual procedure is TBD. Don't blindly follow the following instructions quite yet.'' === Unassign packages === === Unassign packages === Line 17: Line 17: === Unassign bugs === === Unassign bugs === −TBD+Find any open bugs assigned to the user and unassign them. You can use [ this link template] and replace the user's e-mail address (click ''Edit Search'' and replace the address). For each bug listed, click ''Edit'' next to ''Assignee'' then ''Reset Assignee to default''. For many bugs, do this after choosing the ''Change Several Bugs at Once'' option at the bottom of the bug list. + +''TODO: who is reponsible for un-ccing the user from any bugs? Once the account is gone, the user can no longer do it and could get spammed with bug updates.'' === Remove from groups === === Remove from groups === Remove the user from all groups using the [[SOP Adding user to group]] procedure. You can use to find out what groups the user is in. Remove the user from all groups using the [[SOP Adding user to group]] procedure. You can use to find out what groups the user is in. + +=== Delete on wiki === + +''TODO: does this need to be a separate step?'' + +=== Delete on forum === + +''TODO: does this need to be a separate step?'' === Disable user account === === Disable user account === TBD TBD + +''TODO: Maybe the user should be renamed to deletedN following [[SOP Rename user]] instead of being deleted. In any case, all the rest of the account info like name, ssh keys, etc. would need to be purged.'' === More? === === More? === TBD TBD DanfSOP Delete user
Preliminary info
New page
= Delete user =A user may wish his or her account be completely deleted from Mageia servers. This can impact many systems and must be done carefully. Note that not all user data can be deleted, for example, contributed translations, .spec file updates, etc. Only personal data relating to the user's account can be deleted.
== Authenticate request ==
It is important to make sure it's the user him/herself making the request. We don't want to perform such a consequential step without making sure it's legitimate. Use one of the options in [[SOP Change user e-mail]] for this.
== Deletion steps ==
''The actual procedure is TBD. Some of the steps in [[SOP Rename user]] may be relevant. Don't blindly follow the following instructions quite yet.''
=== Unassign packages ===
If the user was a packager, unassign his/her packages from maintdb using the [[SOP Reassign Package in Maintdb]] procedure.
=== Unassign bugs ===
=== Remove from groups ===
Remove the user from all groups using the [[SOP Adding user to group]] procedure. You can use to find out what groups the user is in.
=== Disable user account ===
=== More? ===
TBD Danf
Sysadmin Tasks
Access/Identity: Delete user
← Older revision Revision as of 00:20, 10 October 2024 Line 19: Line 19: * [[SOP Change user e-mail]] for users who no longer have access to their old e-mail addresses * [[SOP Change user e-mail]] for users who no longer have access to their old e-mail addresses * [[SOP Change SSH key]] * [[SOP Change SSH key]] −* Deleting a user on request+* [[SOP Delete user]] on request * [[SOP Sysadmin access revocation]] * [[SOP Sysadmin access revocation]] * [[SOP Adding groups]] * [[SOP Adding groups]] DanfSOP Rename user
Fix typos
← Older revision Revision as of 00:14, 10 October 2024 Line 31: Line 31: −You can then use the website to correct the home directory or fight some more with ldapmodify to change this if you're a masochist.+You can then use the website to correct the home directory or fight some more with ldapmodify to change this if you're a masochist. −You should then renmae the actual homedir on valstar:+You should then rename the actual homedir on (currently duvel): [root@valstar ~]# mv /home/olduser /home/newuser [root@valstar ~]# mv /home/olduser /home/newuser Line 49: Line 49: That's better! That's better! −== Other updates/propigating the change ==+== Other updates/propagating the change == Although it's run by cron, and the home directory is manually renamed, it is probably wise to run: Although it's run by cron, and the home directory is manually renamed, it is probably wise to run: Danf