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QA Team-Meetings-de
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Revision as of 20:35, 27 March 2025
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Wie du dir vorstellen kannst, sind wir von überall aus der Welt, weshalb es unmöglich ist um uns von Angesicht zu Angesicht zu treffen, aus diesem Grund verwenden wir IRC im Kanal [ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/#mageia-qa #mageia-qa] auf Liberachat. Wie du dir vorstellen kannst, sind wir von überall aus der Welt, weshalb es unmöglich ist um uns von Angesicht zu Angesicht zu treffen, aus diesem Grund verwenden wir IRC im Kanal [ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/#mageia-qa #mageia-qa] auf Liberachat.
−Wir halten dort jede Woche am Donnerstag. Meetings werden protokolliert mit Meetbot, welches Aktionen- und Info-Punkte, ähnlich zu normalen minütlichen Meetings. Protokolle von vorherigen Meetings können [http://meetbot.mageia.org/mageia-qa/ hier] gefunden werden. +Wir halten dort jeden ersten und dritten Donnerstag im Monat Meetings. Die Meetings werden ursprünglich mit Meetbot protokolliert, welches Aktionen- und Info-Punkte erstellt, ähnlich zu normal protokollierte Meetings. Protokolle der ursprünglichen Meetings können [http://meetbot.mageia.org/mageia-qa/ hier] gefunden werden.
Seit Juni 2021 werden unsere Meetings in [ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/#mageia-meeting #mageia-meeting] abgehalten und unsere Protokolle sind [http://meetbot.mageia.org/mageia-meeting/ hier] verfügbar. Seit Juni 2021 werden unsere Meetings in [ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/#mageia-meeting #mageia-meeting] abgehalten und unsere Protokolle sind [http://meetbot.mageia.org/mageia-meeting/ hier] verfügbar.
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
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Revision as of 20:28, 27 March 2025
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Das ist alles. Wirklich. Jemand wird Sie im Team willkommen heißen. Das meiste, was Sie wissen müssen um anzufangen, finden Sie bereits [[Your first steps in the QA team|hier in unserem Wiki]][[File:Flag-united-kingdom02.png|21px|link=]]. Das ist alles. Wirklich. Jemand wird Sie im Team willkommen heißen. Das meiste, was Sie wissen müssen um anzufangen, finden Sie bereits [[Your first steps in the QA team|hier in unserem Wiki]][[File:Flag-united-kingdom02.png|21px|link=]].
−Es ist auch sehr hilfreich wenn Sie zu uns in den irc://irc.libera.chat/#mageia-qa #mageia-qa Libera Chat] Kanal beitreten, wo Fragen schnell beantwortet werden können, und ein [[Sophie-de|Bot]] nützliche Informationen über die verschiedenen Pakete in Mageia zur Verfügung stellt. Hier werden auch jeden Donnerstag Meetings abgehalten.+Es ist auch sehr hilfreich wenn Sie zu uns in den irc://irc.libera.chat/#mageia-qa #mageia-qa Libera Chat] Kanal beitreten, wo Fragen schnell beantwortet werden können, und ein [[Sophie-de|Bot]] nützliche Informationen über die verschiedenen Pakete in Mageia zur Verfügung stellt. Hier werden auch jeden ersten und dritten Donnerstag im Monat Meetings abgehalten.
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
MGASA-2025-0118 - Updated chromium-browser-stable packages fix security vulnerability
Publication date: 27 Mar 2025
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 9
CVE: CVE-2025-2476 Description Use after free in Lens. (CVE-2025-2476) References
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 9
CVE: CVE-2025-2476 Description Use after free in Lens. (CVE-2025-2476) References
- https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34125
- https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/2025/03/stable-channel-update-for-desktop_19.html
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2025-2476
- chromium-browser-stable-134.0.6998.117-1.mga9.tainted
Categorías: Actualizaciones de Seguridad
QA Team meetings
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Revision as of 23:03, 26 March 2025
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As you can imagine, we are from all over the world so it is impossible to actually meet face to face, so we meet using IRC at [ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/#mageia-qa #mageia-qa] on Liberachat. As you can imagine, we are from all over the world so it is impossible to actually meet face to face, so we meet using IRC at [ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/#mageia-qa #mageia-qa] on Liberachat.
−We hold meetings there each week on Thursdays. Meetings once were logged using a meetbot which can create action and info points similar to normal minuted meetings. Logs of the previous meetings can be found [http://meetbot.mageia.org/mageia-qa/ here]. +We hold meetings there on the first and third Thursdays of each month. Meetings once were logged using a meetbot which can create action and info points similar to normal minuted meetings. Logs of the previous meetings can be found [http://meetbot.mageia.org/mageia-qa/ here].
As of june 2021 our meetings have been moved to [ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/#mageia-meeting #mageia-meeting] and the logs of those meetings can be found [http://meetbot.mageia.org/mageia-meeting/ here]. As of june 2021 our meetings have been moved to [ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/#mageia-meeting #mageia-meeting] and the logs of those meetings can be found [http://meetbot.mageia.org/mageia-meeting/ here].
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
QA Team
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Revision as of 23:01, 26 March 2025
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* [[Your first steps in the QA team|Get involved!]] * [[Your first steps in the QA team|Get involved!]]
−That's it. Really. Somebody will then welcome you to the team. Most of what you need to know to get started is already [[Your first steps in the QA team|here on the wiki]]. It is useful if you can also join us [irc://irc.libera.chat/#mageia-qa #mageia-qa on Libera Chat] where questions can be quickly answered, and [[Sophie|a bot]] can provide useful information on the various Mageia packages. Also, meetings are held there every Thursday.+That's it. Really. Somebody will then welcome you to the team. Most of what you need to know to get started is already [[Your first steps in the QA team|here on the wiki]]. It is useful if you can also join us [irc://irc.libera.chat/#mageia-qa #mageia-qa on Libera Chat] where questions can be quickly answered, and [[Sophie|a bot]] can provide useful information on the various Mageia packages. Also, meetings are held there on the first and third Thursdays of the month.
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
Your first steps in the QA team
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Revision as of 22:57, 26 March 2025
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−Please try to attend the weekly team meetings which take place [irc://irc.libera.chat/#mageia-qa on IRC] in #mageia-qa on irc.libera.chat every Thursday+Please try to attend the team meetings which take place [irc://irc.libera.chat/#mageia-qa on IRC] in #mageia-qa on irc.libera.chat on the first and third Thursdays of the month.
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
MGASA-2025-0117 - Updated dcmtk packages fix security vulnerability
Publication date: 26 Mar 2025
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 9
CVE: CVE-2025-2357 Description DCMTK dcmjpls JPEG-LS Decoder memory corruption. (CVE-2025-2357) References
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 9
CVE: CVE-2025-2357 Description DCMTK dcmjpls JPEG-LS Decoder memory corruption. (CVE-2025-2357) References
- https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34120
- https://lists.opensuse.org/archives/list/security-announce@lists.opensuse.org/message/4KKPT4TUWSBKUZJOLDBLHRTKHRBW4RIQ/
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2025-2357
- dcmtk-3.6.7-4.5.mga9
Categorías: Actualizaciones de Seguridad
MGASA-2025-0116 - Updated radare2 packages fix security vulnerabilities
Publication date: 26 Mar 2025
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 9
CVE: CVE-2024-56737 , CVE-2025-1744 , CVE-2025-1864 Description Buffer overflow in the HFS parser from grub2. (CVE-2024-56737) Out-of-bounds Write in radare2. (CVE-2025-1744) Buffer Overflow and Potential Code Execution in Radare2. (CVE-2025-1864) References
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 9
CVE: CVE-2024-56737 , CVE-2025-1744 , CVE-2025-1864 Description Buffer overflow in the HFS parser from grub2. (CVE-2024-56737) Out-of-bounds Write in radare2. (CVE-2025-1744) Buffer Overflow and Potential Code Execution in Radare2. (CVE-2025-1864) References
- https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34122
- https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/package-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/JESFQCNT2ONAGTVQXEDREBQFC7NUDPEC/
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-56737
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2025-1744
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2025-1864
- radare2-5.8.8-1.6.mga9
Categorías: Actualizaciones de Seguridad
MGASA-2025-0115 - Updated bluez packages fix security vulnerabilities
Publication date: 26 Mar 2025
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 9
CVE: CVE-2023-44431 , CVE-2023-51580 , CVE-2023-51589 , CVE-2023-51592 , CVE-2023-51594 , CVE-2023-51596 Description BlueZ Audio Profile AVRCP Stack-based Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. (CVE-2023-44431) BlueZ Audio Profile AVRCP avrcp_parse_attribute_list Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability. (CVE-2023-51580) BlueZ Audio Profile AVRCP parse_media_element Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability. (CVE-2023-51589) BlueZ Audio Profile AVRCP parse_media_folder Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability. (CVE-2023-51592) BlueZ OBEX Library Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability. (CVE-2023-51594) BlueZ Phone Book Access Profile Heap-based Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. (CVE-2023-51596) References
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 9
CVE: CVE-2023-44431 , CVE-2023-51580 , CVE-2023-51589 , CVE-2023-51592 , CVE-2023-51594 , CVE-2023-51596 Description BlueZ Audio Profile AVRCP Stack-based Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. (CVE-2023-44431) BlueZ Audio Profile AVRCP avrcp_parse_attribute_list Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability. (CVE-2023-51580) BlueZ Audio Profile AVRCP parse_media_element Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability. (CVE-2023-51589) BlueZ Audio Profile AVRCP parse_media_folder Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability. (CVE-2023-51592) BlueZ OBEX Library Out-Of-Bounds Read Information Disclosure Vulnerability. (CVE-2023-51594) BlueZ Phone Book Access Profile Heap-based Buffer Overflow Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. (CVE-2023-51596) References
- https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34123
- https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/package-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/M6KKJVC5RPR5AMR4ZTMHWP7TATS4SY47/
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-44431
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-51580
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-51589
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-51592
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-51594
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-51596
- bluez-5.80-1.mga9
Categorías: Actualizaciones de Seguridad
MGASA-2025-0114 - Updated ffmpeg packages fix security vulnerability
Publication date: 26 Mar 2025
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 9
CVE: CVE-2024-12361 Description FFmpeg NULL Pointer Dereference. (CVE-2024-12361) References
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 9
CVE: CVE-2024-12361 Description FFmpeg NULL Pointer Dereference. (CVE-2024-12361) References
- https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34130
- https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/package-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/RJNUZFKKYTUNYVVV4IRSNIJAOCMVCKVS/
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-12361
- ffmpeg-5.1.6-1.5.mga9
- ffmpeg-5.1.6-1.5.mga9.tainted
Categorías: Actualizaciones de Seguridad