Wiki de Mageia


Wiki Mageia - 27 Noviembre, 2024 - 18:39

Add pt-BR

← Older revision Revision as of 17:39, 27 November 2024 Line 2: Line 2:  [[Category:Howtos]] [[Category:Howtos]]    −{{multi_language_banner|[[Flatpak-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Flatpak|English]] ; [[Flatpak-es|Español]]; [[Flatpak-fr|Français]] ; [[Flatpak-nl|Nederlands]] ;}}+{{multi_language_banner|[[Flatpak-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Flatpak|English]] ; [[Flatpak-es|Español]]; [[Flatpak-fr|Français]] ; [[Flatpak-nl|Nederlands]] ; [[Flatpak_pt-BR|Português (Brasil)]] ;}}     {{introduction|{{prog|Flatpak}} is one way to get access to many more applications than are packaged by Mageia - even though we have quite a few already.  For even more ways, see [[Ways to install programs]].}} {{introduction|{{prog|Flatpak}} is one way to get access to many more applications than are packaged by Mageia - even though we have quite a few already.  For even more ways, see [[Ways to install programs]].}} Xgrind
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

Flatpak pt-BR

Wiki Mageia - 27 Noviembre, 2024 - 18:38

Tradução corrigida

← Older revision Revision as of 17:38, 27 November 2024 Line 45: Line 45:     Se você tiver repositórios configurados para ambos, sistema e usuário, o Flatpak perguntará para cada aplicação se você deseja instalá-la para o sistema inteiro ou apenas para o seu usuário. Se você tiver repositórios configurados para ambos, sistema e usuário, o Flatpak perguntará para cada aplicação se você deseja instalá-la para o sistema inteiro ou apenas para o seu usuário. −<br> == Adicionar repositórios Flatpak ==+<br>  +== Adicionar repositórios Flatpak ==     Você deve adicionar um repositório Flatpak - um repositório de aplicativos Flatpak. Os dois abaixo são os mais comuns e contêm muitas aplicações. Você deve adicionar um repositório Flatpak - um repositório de aplicativos Flatpak. Os dois abaixo são os mais comuns e contêm muitas aplicações. Line 63: Line 64:  * [[Tor,_The_Onion_Router#Install_using_Flatpak|Tor Browser e OnionShare]] * [[Tor,_The_Onion_Router#Install_using_Flatpak|Tor Browser e OnionShare]]    −<br> == Ajuda embutida ==+<br>  +== Ajuda embutida ==     Alguma ajuda está embutida. Tente: {{command|flatpak --help}} e por exemplo: {{command|flatpak install --help}} Alguma ajuda está embutida. Tente: {{command|flatpak --help}} e por exemplo: {{command|flatpak install --help}} −<br> == Instalando aplicações Flatpak ==+   +<br>  +== Instalando aplicações Flatpak ==     Simplesmente em um terminal, deixe o Flatpak encontrar e instalar a aplicação. Você não precisa digitar o nome completo. A aplicação precisa estar em um repositório configurado, caso contrário, ele responderá que não a encontrou. Se você instalar para o usuário, é necessário ter um repositório instalado para o usuário. (como, e sistema/usuário explicamos acima) Simplesmente em um terminal, deixe o Flatpak encontrar e instalar a aplicação. Você não precisa digitar o nome completo. A aplicação precisa estar em um repositório configurado, caso contrário, ele responderá que não a encontrou. Se você instalar para o usuário, é necessário ter um repositório instalado para o usuário. (como, e sistema/usuário explicamos acima) Line 108: Line 112:     Note que no Plasma Discover, o repositório flathub pode ser configurado no menu {{menu|Configurações -> Adicionar flathub}}. Note que no Plasma Discover, o repositório flathub pode ser configurado no menu {{menu|Configurações -> Adicionar flathub}}. −<br> == Executando aplicações Flatpak ==+   +<br>  +== Executando aplicações Flatpak ==     Elas podem ser encontradas no menu de aplicativos do seu desktop como ícone ou usando um campo de pesquisa lá. Elas podem ser encontradas no menu de aplicativos do seu desktop como ícone ou usando um campo de pesquisa lá. Xgrind
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

Flatpak pt-BR

Wiki Mageia - 27 Noviembre, 2024 - 18:33

Adição da página Flatpak_pt-BR

New page


{{multi_language_banner|[[Flatpak-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Flatpak|English]] ; [[Flatpak-es|Español]]; [[Flatpak-fr|Français]] ; [[Flatpak-nl|Nederlands]] ; [[Flatpak_pt-BR|Português(Brasil)]] ;}}

{{introduction|{{prog|Flatpak}} é uma forma de acessar muitas mais aplicações do que aquelas empacotadas pelo Mageia - embora já tenhamos várias. Para ainda mais opções, veja [[Formas de instalar programas]].}}

== O que é o Flatpak ==

{{prog|Flatpak}} é uma ferramenta para implantação de software e gerenciamento de pacotes para Linux. É promovido como oferecendo um ambiente de sandbox no qual os usuários podem executar software em [[#Permissões|isolamento configurável]] em relação ao restante do sistema. O Flatpak foi desenvolvido como parte do projeto (anteriormente conhecido como X Desktop Group ou XDG) e inicialmente foi chamado xdg-app.

Usando {{prog|Flatpak}}, você pode instalar uma ampla gama de aplicações diretamente dos desenvolvedores, de forma independente do sistema de pacotes rpm.

O sistema Flatpak mantém dependências internas para as aplicações, instalando automaticamente o que for necessário.

Os programas são executados em sandbox, exceto pelos direitos solicitados na instalação.

No Mageia, suportamos essa tecnologia ao empacotar {{cmd|flatpak}} e suas dependências.

== Instalar o sistema Flatpak ==

O Flatpak é instalado por padrão na maioria das opções de instalação comuns do Mageia <!-- pelo menos para plasma, gnome também, eu acho -->

Se não estiver instalado, você pode instalá-lo usando o Centro de Controle do Mageia (CCM), ou em um terminal com sudo
* e urpmi
{{output|/usr/bin/sudo urpmi flatpak}}[sudo] senha para o usuário:{{stop}}
* ou DNF:
{{output|/usr/bin/sudo dnf install flatpak}}[sudo] senha para o usuário:{{stop}}

No entanto, se você não tiver o sudo configurado e não quiser usar o CCM, você primeiro precisa se tornar root:
{{output|su -}}senha (para root):{{stop}}
e então digite {{Cmd|urpmi flatpak}} ou {{Cmd|dnf install flatpak}} e pressione a tecla "enter".

== Sistema inteiro ou apenas para o usuário ==

Você pode configurar repositórios Flatpak e instalar aplicações para o sistema inteiro (para todos os usuários) ou apenas para o usuário. Por padrão, o Flatpak instala repositórios e aplicações para o sistema inteiro. Para instalar para o usuário atual, adicione ''"--user"'' como flag aos comandos ''remote-add'' e ''install'' do Flatpak, etc.

Um aspecto de escolher entre essas opções é onde há espaço suficiente, caso a aplicação seja grande. Instalações para o usuário são armazenadas em {{folder|~/.local/share/flatpak/}}, enquanto as aplicações e conteúdo base do sistema são armazenados em {{folder|/var/lib/flatpak/}}.

Se você tiver repositórios configurados para ambos, sistema e usuário, o Flatpak perguntará para cada aplicação se você deseja instalá-la para o sistema inteiro ou apenas para o seu usuário.
<br> == Adicionar repositórios Flatpak ==

Você deve adicionar um repositório Flatpak - um repositório de aplicativos Flatpak. Os dois abaixo são os mais comuns e contêm muitas aplicações.

Adicionar um repositório como nos exemplos fará com que ele seja global e solicitará privilégios de root, caso você não seja root.

Se preferir instalar por usuário, lembre-se de adicionar "--user" aos comandos remote-add e install conforme descrito acima.

* repositório Flatpak do Flathub ( que contém softwares livres e não livres:
{{command|flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub}}
* repositório Flatpak do Fedora ( que contém apenas softwares livres/open-source:
{{command|flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists fedora oci+}}

=== Exemplos para alguns programas específicos ===

* [ QElectroTech] versão de desenvolvimento - Desenho de esquemas elétricos e de tubos. Exemplo inclui verificação de pgp.
* [[Tor,_The_Onion_Router#Install_using_Flatpak|Tor Browser e OnionShare]]

<br> == Ajuda embutida ==

Alguma ajuda está embutida. Tente: {{command|flatpak --help}} e por exemplo: {{command|flatpak install --help}}
<br> == Instalando aplicações Flatpak ==

Simplesmente em um terminal, deixe o Flatpak encontrar e instalar a aplicação. Você não precisa digitar o nome completo. A aplicação precisa estar em um repositório configurado, caso contrário, ele responderá que não a encontrou. Se você instalar para o usuário, é necessário ter um repositório instalado para o usuário. (como, e sistema/usuário explicamos acima)

{{pre|<nowiki>§ flatpak install warpin
Procurando por correspondências?
Encontrado ref(s) similar(es) para ?warpinator? no repositório ?flathub? (usuário).
Usar este repositório? [Y/n]: y
Encontrado ref ?app/org.x.Warpinator/x86_64/stable? no repositório ?flathub? (usuário).
Usar este ref? [Y/n]: y

Permissões do org.x.Warpinator:
ipc network fallback-x11 wayland x11 dri file access [1]
dbus access [2] bus ownership [3]

[1] /media, home
[2] org.freedesktop.FileManager1, org.x.StatusIconMonitor.*
[3] org.x.StatusIcon.warpinator

ID Branch Op Remote Download
1. org.x.Warpinator.Locale stable i flathub < 282.3?kB (partial)
2. org.x.Warpinator stable i flathub < 5.5?MB

[1] /media, home
[2] org.freedesktop.FileManager1, org.x.StatusIconMonitor.*
[3] org.x.StatusIcon.warpinator

Proseguir com essas mudanças para a instalação do usuário? [Y/n]: </nowiki>}}

Note que ele exibe as permissões que a aplicação receberá.

Acima, ele instalará as aplicações como dois pacotes. Algumas aplicações dependem de vários pacotes adicionais, que também serão listados, caso não estejam instalados. Aceite, e ele instalará.

=== Ferramentas gráficas para instalação ===

A partir do Mageia 8, recomendamos usar {{cmd|plasma-discover}} ({{prog|Discover}}) no Plasma/LXQt ou {{cmd|gnome-software}} ({{prog|GNOME Software}}) em um ambiente de desktop GTK.

Inicie a ferramenta escolhida e digite, por exemplo, Spotify ou Digikam no campo de pesquisa. Note que ela pedirá sua senha para instalar uma aplicação, isso é protegido pelo Controle Parental (malcontent).

Note que no Plasma Discover, o repositório flathub pode ser configurado no menu {{menu|Configurações -> Adicionar flathub}}.
<br> == Executando aplicações Flatpak ==

Elas podem ser encontradas no menu de aplicativos do seu desktop como ícone ou usando um campo de pesquisa lá.

Se não, você pode copiar o arquivo .desktop fornecido para sua área de trabalho ou menu de aplicativos: para aplicativos instalados por usuário, você os encontra em {{folder|~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications/}} e para aplicativos instalados no sistema, veja {{folder|/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/}}.

Alternativamente, você pode usar o método usual do seu ambiente de desktop para criar um ícone de lançamento ou item de menu, e inserir a linha de comando para executar conforme abaixo. Para o ícone, alguns diálogos de ambientes de desktop o encontram, ou seja, na ferramenta do Plasma você clica no ícone para abrir o diálogo de escolha do ícone, "Ícones do sistema" e "Aplicações" são selecionados por padrão, e ao digitar no campo de pesquisa o ícone é encontrado. Caso contrário, para programas instalados por usuário, vá para {{folder|~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/icons/}} etc e para instalação do sistema {{folder|/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/icons/}} etc.''

Para descobrir a linha de comando para execução, use o comando Flatpak list para ver o ID da aplicação instalada:
{{output|flatpak list}}{{completa|<nowiki>Nome ID da Aplicação Versão Branch Origem Instalação
Czkawka com.github.qarmin.czkawka 3.1.0 stable flathub usuário
Spotify com.spotify.Client stable flathub usuário </nowiki>}}{{stop}}
O comando para executar é "flatpak run" seguido do ID do aplicativo. Exemplo para Spotify: {{cmd|flatpak run com.spotify.Client}}

== Permissões ==

Seus arquivos do sistema, de usuário e dispositivos são protegidos pelo fato de as aplicações Flatpak estarem rodando em um sandbox.

As aplicações recebem [ permissões] para acessar apenas o que elas realmente precisam.

Por exemplo, as permissões padrão podem não permitir o acesso aos seus arquivos, na pasta /home. Isso é uma coisa boa do ponto de vista de segurança, mas às vezes você precisa que as aplicações acessem seus arquivos. Para detalhes, veja [ direitos de sistema de arquivos]. Alguns detalhes [ aqui].

Felizmente, existe uma '''ferramenta gráfica''' para gerenciar permissões com facilidade: instale {{Prog|[ Flatseal]}}, que é um Flatpak em si, disponível no repositório flathub comum.

A partir do Mageia 9, os usuários do Plasma também podem instalar {{Prog|[ flatpak-kcm]}} em vez disso, que é o módulo de configurações do KDE Plasma para gerenciamento de permissões Flatpak. Você o encontra na seção {{prog|Systemsettings}} em "Personalização": {{menu|Aplicações >}} item {{menu|Configurações de Permissão do Flatpak}}.

== Atualização ==

O sistema host do Flatpak é atualizado como qualquer outro pacote do Mageia.

Para atualizar as aplicações Flatpak e as dependências internas: {{command|flatpak update}}
- ou use uma das [[#Ferramentas gráficas para instalação|Ferramentas gráficas]]

Se você deseja atualizar apenas um pacote específico, pode fazer isso, por exemplo, {{command|flatpak update us.zoom.Zoom}}
Nas ferramentas gráficas, você pode selecionar pacotes clicando com o mouse.

== Limpeza ==

Para remover partes não usadas: {{command|flatpak uninstall --unused}}

Isso removerá, por exemplo, versões mais antigas ou não mais usadas de drivers Nvidia, Plataforma Freedesktop, Plataforma de Aplicações GNOME.

== Prós e contras ==

Uma das melhores coisas sobre usar o Flatpak é que ele oferece a possibilidade de executar a versão mais recente de programas gráficos populares, como Firefox, Evolution,... e eles usam uma estrutura compartilhada que está sendo atualizada upstream. Isso também é uma maneira de ter uma versão de um programa instalada por um pacote do Mageia e outra versão como Flatpak.

Uma desvantagem de usar o Flatpak é que, na primeira vez que você instala um deles, ele fará o download de muitas dependências e usará bastante espaço. Exemplo: depois de instalar apenas o KiCAD (que é bastante grande) como Flatpak para o sistema inteiro, /var/lib/flatpak/ tinha 4GB.

{{warning|Plasma Discover e GNOME-Software preferem Flatpak a RPMs do Mageia! {{bug|28354}}.}}
== Leitura adicional ==

[ Wikipedia]|| [] || [ Documentação] || [ Começando (Fedora)]
|| [ Referência de comando] Xgrind
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

Mageia 9 Errata pt-BR

Wiki Mageia - 27 Noviembre, 2024 - 18:12

Chromium não tem empacotador

← Older revision Revision as of 17:12, 27 November 2024 Line 266: Line 266:     == Software == == Software ==  +  +<br>  +  +=== Chromium browser ===  +  +Parece que não temos empacotadores para manter o navegador Chromium atualizado, {{Bug|33609}}. Soluções alternativas: Instale o app/org.chromium.Chromium/x86_64/stable via [[Flatpak|Flatpak]], ou o Chrome. Ou o rpm do Chrome do Google.     <br> <br> Xgrind
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

Mageia 9 Errata-de

Wiki Mageia - 26 Noviembre, 2024 - 13:09

← Older revision Revision as of 12:09, 26 November 2024 (One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)Line 2: Line 2:  [[Category:Mageia 9]] [[Category:Mageia 9]]    −{{multi language banner-de|[[Mageia 9 Errata-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Mageia 9 Errata|English]]  ; [[Erratas de Mageia 9-es|Español]] ; [[Mageia 9 Errata-fr|Français]] ; [[Mageia 9 Errata-pt-PT|Portugês (Portugal)]] ;}}+{{multi language banner-de|[[Mageia 9 Errata-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Mageia 9 Errata|English]]  ; [[Erratas de Mageia 9-es|Español]] ; [[Mageia 9 Errata-fr|Français]] ; [[Mageia 9 Errata-pt-PT|Português (Portugal)]] ; [[Mageia_9_Errata_pt-BR|Português (Brasil)]]}}     == Hinweis == == Hinweis == Line 202: Line 202:     == Software == == Software ==  +=== Chromium Browser ===  +Wir haben aktuell keinen Paketbetreuer um den Chromium Browser aktuell zu halten, {{Bug|33609}}. Workaround: Installieren Sie app/org.chromium.Chromium/x86_64/stable als [[Flatpak-de|Flatpak]], oder den Chrome Browser. Alternativ kann auch Chrome als rpm von Google installiert werden.  +  === Firefox ESR === === Firefox ESR === −'''Einige Webseitenbetreiber haben sich dazu entschieden die Firefox ESR Version (selbst die Upstream Version) nicht zu akzeptieren und setzen eine nicht-ESR Version voraus. Bitte helfen Sie dabei mit, die Betreiber der problematischen Webseiten darüber zu informieren, dass [ Firefox ESR zwar nicht mit den neusten Features ausgeliefert wird, jedoch die aktuellsten Sicherheits- und Sabilitätsverbesserungen enthält].  '''Workarounds: 1.)''' Versuchen Sie die Möglichkeit, den User-Agent zu wechseln, um ein Firefox vorzugaukeln, welche keine ESR Version ist.  '''2.)''' Installieren Sie eine nicht-ESR Version von Firefox, zum Beispiel über [[Flatpak-de|Flatpak]] oder andere [[Möglichkeiten_um_Anwendungen_zu_installieren-de|Möglichkeiten um Anwendungen zu installieren]]. '''3.)''' Verwenden Sie einen anderen Browser, zum Beispiel bieten wir Chromium [[Mageia_9_Veröffentlichungshinweise-de#Internetanwendungen|in unserem tainted-Repositorium]] an.+'''Einige Webseitenbetreiber haben sich dazu entschieden die Firefox ESR Version (selbst die Upstream Version) nicht zu akzeptieren und setzen eine nicht-ESR Version voraus. Bitte helfen Sie dabei mit, die Betreiber der problematischen Webseiten darüber zu informieren, dass [ Firefox ESR zwar nicht mit den neusten Features ausgeliefert wird, jedoch die aktuellsten Sicherheits- und Sabilitätsverbesserungen enthält].  '''Workarounds: 1.)''' Versuchen Sie die Möglichkeit, den User-Agent zu wechseln, um ein Firefox vorzugaukeln, welche keine ESR Version ist.  '''2.)''' Installieren Sie eine nicht-ESR Version von Firefox, zum Beispiel über [[Flatpak-de|Flatpak]] oder andere [[Möglichkeiten_um_Anwendungen_zu_installieren-de|Möglichkeiten um Anwendungen zu installieren]]. '''3.)''' Verwenden Sie einen anderen Browser. −* Der integrierte '''PDF Renderer''' hat beim darstellen von Schriftarten bei einigen Dokumenten Probleme. '''Workaround:''' Geben Sie in das Adressfeld "about:config" ein und suchen Sie über die dortige Suchfunktion nach "browser.display.use_document_fonts". Ändern Sie anschließend den dortigen Wert von "1" auf "0". (Aus {{Bug|32207#c10}}.)      === Flatpak === === Flatpak === Line 350: Line 352:  Um alle Repositorien zu entfernen, verwenden Sie entweder die Befehlszeile mit dem Befehl {{cmd-de|urpmi.removemedia -a}} oder ein grafisches Werkzeug: Starten Sie {{cmd-de|drakrpm-edit-media}} welche das {{prog-de|Mageia Kontrollzentrum}}, der Abschnitt{{menu-de|Software verwalten -> Paketquellen für Installation und Aktualisierungen einrichten}} ist, führen Sie einen Klick bei gleichzeitigem Halten der Shift-Taste durch und wählen Sie anschließend "Entfernen". Um alle Repositorien zu entfernen, verwenden Sie entweder die Befehlszeile mit dem Befehl {{cmd-de|urpmi.removemedia -a}} oder ein grafisches Werkzeug: Starten Sie {{cmd-de|drakrpm-edit-media}} welche das {{prog-de|Mageia Kontrollzentrum}}, der Abschnitt{{menu-de|Software verwalten -> Paketquellen für Installation und Aktualisierungen einrichten}} ist, führen Sie einen Klick bei gleichzeitigem Halten der Shift-Taste durch und wählen Sie anschließend "Entfernen".    −Um alle Mageia Repositorien von einem spezifischen Spiegelserver hinzuzufügen, führend Sie entweder einen Befehl in der Befehlszeile aus - ''Beispiel für die 64-Bit Variante von Magiea 9 von einem schwedischen Server'': {{cmd-de|urpmi.addmedia --distrib}} oder über das grafische Werkzeug: unter {{prog-de|Paketquellen für Installation und Aktualisierungen einrichten}}, Menü {{menu-de|Datei -> Einen bestimmten Spiegelserver einrichten}}.+Um alle Mageia Repositorien von einem spezifischen Spiegelserver hinzuzufügen, führend Sie entweder einen Befehl in der Befehlszeile aus - ''Beispiel für die 64-Bit Variante von Magiea 9 von einem schwedischen Server'': {{cmd|urpmi.addmedia --distrib}} oder über das grafische Werkzeug: unter {{prog-de|Paketquellen für Installation und Aktualisierungen einrichten}}, Menü {{menu-de|Datei -> Einen bestimmten Spiegelserver einrichten}}.     ==== NFSv3 Zugriffe einbinden ==== ==== NFSv3 Zugriffe einbinden ==== Psyca
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

Mageia 9 Errata

Wiki Mageia - 24 Noviembre, 2024 - 21:08

‎Software: Chromium browser not kept updated #33609

← Older revision Revision as of 20:08, 24 November 2024 Line 263: Line 263:     <br> <br>  +  +=== Chromium browser ===  +  +We seem not to have packagers for keeping Chromium browser updated, {{Bug|33609}}. Workarounds: As [[Flatpak|Flatpak]] install app/org.chromium.Chromium/x86_64/stable, or Chrome. Or Chrome rpm from Google.  +     === Firefox ESR === === Firefox ESR ===    −'''A few sites choose to not accept Firefox ESR''' (even upstream version), and demand non-ESR version.  Please help informing the problematic sites that [ Firefox ESR does not come with the latest features but it has the latest security and stability fixes].  '''Workarounds: 1.)''' try using a user-agent switcher to spoof a non-ESR Firefox.  '''2.)''' install the Firefox non-ESR version for example by using [[Flatpak]] or other [[Ways_to_install_programs|Ways to install programs]]. '''3.)''' Use another browser, i.e we package Chromium [[Mageia_9_Release_Notes#Internet_apps|in tainted repo]].+'''A few sites choose to not accept Firefox ESR''' (even upstream version), and demand non-ESR version.  Please help informing the problematic sites that [ Firefox ESR does not come with the latest features but it has the latest security and stability fixes].  '''Workarounds: 1.)''' try using a user-agent switcher to spoof a non-ESR Firefox.  '''2.)''' install the Firefox non-ESR version for example by using [[Flatpak]] or other [[Ways_to_install_programs|Ways to install programs]]. '''3.)''' Use another browser.     <br> <br> Morgano
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

Feature:Migrate to MirrorBrain

Wiki Mageia - 16 Noviembre, 2024 - 21:53

Add note about MirrorBrain being dead upstream and about the alternative

← Older revision Revision as of 20:53, 16 November 2024 Line 1: Line 1:  [[Category: ProposedFeatureMageia8]] [[Category: ProposedFeatureMageia8]]     +{{Note|Mirrorbrain is dead upstream, a better alternative is [ MirrorManager2]. This page has been cloned and adjusted to create [[Feature:Migrate to MirrorManager2]] for Mageia10}}  = Summary = = Summary =    Marja
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

Feature:Migrate to MirrorManager2

Wiki Mageia - 16 Noviembre, 2024 - 21:24

‎Summary: typo fix

← Older revision Revision as of 20:24, 16 November 2024 Line 6: Line 6:  = Summary = = Summary =    −Migrate mirror management to [MirrorManager2 (after adjusting it for Mageia) and start generating metalinks for DNF to use for intelligent mirror selection.+Migrate mirror management to MirrorManager2 (after adjusting it for Mageia) and start generating metalinks for DNF to use for intelligent mirror selection.     = Owner = = Owner = Marja
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

User:Marja/Feature:Migrate to MirrorManager2

Wiki Mageia - 16 Noviembre, 2024 - 21:19

Marja moved page User:Marja/Feature:Migrate to MirrorManager2 to Feature:Migrate to MirrorManager2 ready for the wiki

← Older revision Revision as of 20:19, 16 November 2024 (2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)Line 10: Line 10:  = Owner = = Owner =    −The owner of [[Feature:Migrate to MirrorBrain]] was:+''The owner of [[Feature:Migrate to MirrorBrain]] was:'' −* '''Name''': Neal Gompa+* ''Name: Neal Gompa'' −* '''Email''':* ''Email:''  +   +However, he lacks time nowadays, so a new owner is needed for [[Feature:Migrate to MirrorManager2]]:  +* '''Name''':  +* '''Email''':     = Resources = = Resources = Line 79: Line 83:  = Associated Bugs = = Associated Bugs =  * [ mga#3166] * [ mga#3166] −* [ mga#17400]      = Packager comments = = Packager comments = Marja
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

How to create an update advisory

Wiki Mageia - 16 Noviembre, 2024 - 01:38

‎Advisories for backports

← Older revision Revision as of 00:38, 16 November 2024 Line 431: Line 431:  = Advisories for backports = = Advisories for backports =  We are using the [ backports-announce mailing list] to publish announcements: We are using the [ backports-announce mailing list] to publish announcements: −* when new backport candidates are available for testing in the backports_testing repository+* when new backport candidates are available for testing in the backports_testing repository, we recommend start the subject of the mail with <nowiki>[Backport Candidate] package_name version</nowiki> −* and also after testing, once the packages have been moved to the backports repository+* and also after testing, once the packages have been moved to the backports repository, we recommend start the subject of the mail with one of this <nowiki>[New Backport],  [Security Update Backport], [Backport Update], as needed, then include after, package_name version</nowiki> −Any member of [ the mga-qa-committers group] can send mails to the list, see [ the list archive] for examples of the announcements.+Any member of [ the mga-qa-committers group] can send mails to the list, see [ the list archive] for examples of the announcements.  Once the second announcement is published and the packages are in the backport repository, the bug for the backport request should be closed as RESOLVED FIXED. Once the second announcement is published and the packages are in the backport repository, the bug for the backport request should be closed as RESOLVED FIXED.    Katnatek
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

Secure boot clarification

Wiki Mageia - 15 Noviembre, 2024 - 23:10

‎References and documents: try to enhance the lay out of the links and add a link to the Debian wiki

← Older revision Revision as of 22:10, 15 November 2024 (2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)Line 1: Line 1:    −{{Multi language banner|[[User:Zeldas7777|english]] ;}}+{{Multi language banner|[[Secure boot clarification|english]] ;}}     {{Draft}} {{Draft}}    −= Secure boot clarification =     −=== Overview ===+   += Overview =     Secure boot was created to ensure the protection of the operating system (OS). The Linux community did not like the secure boot upgrade. The end user would have to disable secure boot then install Linux. The reason was because the computers did not have the TPM Linux distribution signatures installed in the computer before manufacturing the computers. The Linux distribution developers would have to sign the bootloader, kernel, and drivers. This also created the need for more documentation for computers without Linux distribution signatures to successfully install Linux distribution. This wiki entry will hopefully bring some clarity from users in the Linux community on the secure boot implementation, and it's impact on Linux. The purpose of enabling secure boot is to ensure the OS is secure from rootkits, keyloggers, and malware. The secure boot is for protecting the end user from any threats to security and/or privacy. The secure boot feature stops the OS from booting upon detection of invalid signatures.   Secure boot was created to ensure the protection of the operating system (OS). The Linux community did not like the secure boot upgrade. The end user would have to disable secure boot then install Linux. The reason was because the computers did not have the TPM Linux distribution signatures installed in the computer before manufacturing the computers. The Linux distribution developers would have to sign the bootloader, kernel, and drivers. This also created the need for more documentation for computers without Linux distribution signatures to successfully install Linux distribution. This wiki entry will hopefully bring some clarity from users in the Linux community on the secure boot implementation, and it's impact on Linux. The purpose of enabling secure boot is to ensure the OS is secure from rootkits, keyloggers, and malware. The secure boot is for protecting the end user from any threats to security and/or privacy. The secure boot feature stops the OS from booting upon detection of invalid signatures.      −=== Who this applies to ===+= Who this applies to =     This wiki does not apply to your computer if it was manufactured before 2009. If your computer was manufactured in 2009 or later, You may have a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip. This wiki can apply to your computer. Computers with a TPM chip version 1.0 started to appear in 2009. This chip was soon updated to TPM version 1.1 in 2011. The next major update to TPM chips was version 2.0, which came out in 2014. This has been considered the new standard since 2016. The TPM chip does ensure the boot processes of your PC cannot be modified without your knowledge. If you would like to learn more about TPM, please check out the reference links below. This wiki does not apply to your computer if it was manufactured before 2009. If your computer was manufactured in 2009 or later, You may have a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip. This wiki can apply to your computer. Computers with a TPM chip version 1.0 started to appear in 2009. This chip was soon updated to TPM version 1.1 in 2011. The next major update to TPM chips was version 2.0, which came out in 2014. This has been considered the new standard since 2016. The TPM chip does ensure the boot processes of your PC cannot be modified without your knowledge. If you would like to learn more about TPM, please check out the reference links below. Line 18: Line 18:  Wikipedia -<br> Wikipedia -<br>    −=== Why the secure boot mode option was created ===+= Why the secure boot mode option was created =     Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) was developed in the mid 1990's. In 2004, Intel released the first open source Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) implementation. Then EFI was transitioned to Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) in 2005. There has been several root vulnerabilities found in the computer BIOS that were exposed that allowed the booting OS to be compromised. This left the OS kernel and hardware drivers exposed. Eventually, even more vulnerabilities to the system were discovered making it hard to keep OS secure and protected from exploits. It was clear that the time had come to improve upon the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) with emphasis on making the process even more secure. Then "Trusted Platform Module (TPM)  was developed. This was not enough and TPM was updated to make secure boot mode possible. Secure boot was implemented in the BIOS using the TPM chip. This would allow authentication of the OS from signed bootloader, kernel, and drivers. This affected the Linux community because the time secure boot came out limited documentation was available at the time. This is why we have so many issues with secure boot. The Linux community has been working hard on this for years now to learn and implement secure boot on the OS.   Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) was developed in the mid 1990's. In 2004, Intel released the first open source Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) implementation. Then EFI was transitioned to Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) in 2005. There has been several root vulnerabilities found in the computer BIOS that were exposed that allowed the booting OS to be compromised. This left the OS kernel and hardware drivers exposed. Eventually, even more vulnerabilities to the system were discovered making it hard to keep OS secure and protected from exploits. It was clear that the time had come to improve upon the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) with emphasis on making the process even more secure. Then "Trusted Platform Module (TPM)  was developed. This was not enough and TPM was updated to make secure boot mode possible. Secure boot was implemented in the BIOS using the TPM chip. This would allow authentication of the OS from signed bootloader, kernel, and drivers. This affected the Linux community because the time secure boot came out limited documentation was available at the time. This is why we have so many issues with secure boot. The Linux community has been working hard on this for years now to learn and implement secure boot on the OS.      −=== The secure mode operation design ===+= The secure mode operation design =     Secure boot mode is designed to authenticate the OS from a list of authorized operating systems in the TPM chip. By default, if a signature is in the "blocked" list, The computer will stop booting indicating that an invalid signature has been detected. Secure boot mode operation is meant to validate three areas while booting the OS. Authentication is performed by checking the bootloader, kernel, and kernel drivers on booting. If any of these areas fails authentication, the system will stop booting. This design creates a secure boot environment. If the bootloader, kernel, or its drivers are modified the signature is marked invalid and stops booting. The Invalid signatures are also installed when firmware updates the UEFI firmware. Any OS without a valid signature is also blocked. This presents a challenge during the development of an OS, but is required to maintain OS security. Secure boot mode is designed to authenticate the OS from a list of authorized operating systems in the TPM chip. By default, if a signature is in the "blocked" list, The computer will stop booting indicating that an invalid signature has been detected. Secure boot mode operation is meant to validate three areas while booting the OS. Authentication is performed by checking the bootloader, kernel, and kernel drivers on booting. If any of these areas fails authentication, the system will stop booting. This design creates a secure boot environment. If the bootloader, kernel, or its drivers are modified the signature is marked invalid and stops booting. The Invalid signatures are also installed when firmware updates the UEFI firmware. Any OS without a valid signature is also blocked. This presents a challenge during the development of an OS, but is required to maintain OS security.    −=== The secure mode operation while booting ===+= The secure mode operation while booting =     Secure mode authenticates the system from the installed signatures. Here is how the process works. Secure mode authenticates the system from the installed signatures. Here is how the process works. Line 35: Line 35:  If everything is successful, the OS will boot as expected. If everything is successful, the OS will boot as expected.    −=== CPU board manufacturer requirements ===+= CPU board manufacturer requirements =     CPU board manufacturers are required to follow fair trade laws This means that no company can be biased and that all OS vendors share equal rights. All manufactures have a standard to follow that is strictly monitored. We have a few types of CPU boards on the market that must comply with personal data security. Here are the following types of CPU boards that allow secure boot to be disabled, those that do not allow it, or made optional for custom manufactured computers. CPU board manufacturers are required to follow fair trade laws This means that no company can be biased and that all OS vendors share equal rights. All manufactures have a standard to follow that is strictly monitored. We have a few types of CPU boards on the market that must comply with personal data security. Here are the following types of CPU boards that allow secure boot to be disabled, those that do not allow it, or made optional for custom manufactured computers. Line 45: Line 45:  The documentation for the UEFI firmware is required to be made available to all OS vendors. This documentation shall have all commands required for UEFI firmware updates. The currently installed OS owns the updating of the firmware. If you have a dual-boot or multi-boot system, then each OS shares ownership rights. The documentation for the UEFI firmware is required to be made available to all OS vendors. This documentation shall have all commands required for UEFI firmware updates. The currently installed OS owns the updating of the firmware. If you have a dual-boot or multi-boot system, then each OS shares ownership rights.    −=== The requirement to enable secure boot ===+= The requirement to enable secure boot =     The requirements to successfully enable secure boot mode on an OS are: The requirements to successfully enable secure boot mode on an OS are: Line 55: Line 55:  # Must have a TPM chip.   # Must have a TPM chip.      −=== References and documents ===+= References and documents =    − documents in PDF file documents in PDF file format==    −Uefi Information - Information - [ UEFI Secure Boot in Modern Computer Security Solutions 2013.pdf]     Microsoft KEK expiring because the certificate is expiring on 10/19/2026. This means there will be another secure boot update coming for current and new computers. Microsoft KEK expiring because the certificate is expiring on 10/19/2026. This means there will be another secure boot update coming for current and new computers.  Here is the link to the PDF document: Here is the link to the PDF document:  +[ Evolving the Secure Boot Ecosystem 9/12/2023]    −Evolving the Secure Boot Ecosystem 9/12/2023 - links==    −To learn more about the UEFI and secure boot visit website.+To learn more about the UEFI and secure boot visit [ the website.]    −[ Secure Boot in the Debian wiki]    −=== Support history from the secure boot upgrade ===+= Support history from the secure boot upgrade =     Visit this link to see recent issues related to secure boot. Visit this link to see recent issues related to secure boot. Line 76: Line 77:    −=== Common issues with TPM ===+= Common issues with TPM =     Dual or multi-boot is harder to work with when you want to boot Windows and Linux. This can be even harder for Windows, Linux, and another OS. If the Linux distro does not support secure boot enabled and you have the TPM on the computer, you would need to enable legacy mode and disable secure boot. This is the only way to dual or multi boot with Windows. This will slow down the boot process and disable all BIOS protection. This will also disable any hardware improved features until the OS has booted. Remember that, if you need this kind of environment, you will need to reinstall Windows and any other operating systems you wish to dual or multi boot. This method is not recommended as it will open a security risk of having malware infecting or modifying your computer. Dual or multi-boot is harder to work with when you want to boot Windows and Linux. This can be even harder for Windows, Linux, and another OS. If the Linux distro does not support secure boot enabled and you have the TPM on the computer, you would need to enable legacy mode and disable secure boot. This is the only way to dual or multi boot with Windows. This will slow down the boot process and disable all BIOS protection. This will also disable any hardware improved features until the OS has booted. Remember that, if you need this kind of environment, you will need to reinstall Windows and any other operating systems you wish to dual or multi boot. This method is not recommended as it will open a security risk of having malware infecting or modifying your computer.    −=== Clarification conclusion ===+= Clarification conclusion =     Again, this article will hopefully bring some clarity to the confusion caused by the secure boot updates and its impact on Linux. I hope you learned the importance of the secure boot and why we need it. We need to maintain stable and secure Linux distributions for all users. I will be creating a "How to" and linking it to this wiki when I am finished. Again, this article will hopefully bring some clarity to the confusion caused by the secure boot updates and its impact on Linux. I hope you learned the importance of the secure boot and why we need it. We need to maintain stable and secure Linux distributions for all users. I will be creating a "How to" and linking it to this wiki when I am finished. Marja
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

Mageia wiki:Secure boot clarification

Wiki Mageia - 15 Noviembre, 2024 - 22:37

Marja deleted page Mageia wiki:Secure boot clarification wrong location

Categorías: Wiki de Mageia


Wiki Mageia - 15 Noviembre, 2024 - 22:35

Correct the redirect

← Older revision Revision as of 21:35, 15 November 2024 Line 1: Line 1: −#REDIRECT [[Mageia wiki:Secure boot clarification]]+#REDIRECT [[Secure boot clarification]] Marja
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia


Wiki Mageia - 15 Noviembre, 2024 - 22:33

Marja moved page User:Zeldas7777 to Mageia wiki:Secure boot clarification This page needs to be more visible, so more people will provide feedback or improvements

← Older revision Revision as of 21:33, 15 November 2024 (One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)Line 1: Line 1:     {{Multi language banner|[[User:Zeldas7777|english]] ;}} {{Multi language banner|[[User:Zeldas7777|english]] ;}}  +  +{{Draft}}     = Secure boot clarification = = Secure boot clarification = Marja
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

Template:Meertalige banner-nl

Wiki Mageia - 15 Noviembre, 2024 - 22:23

Marja deleted page Template:Meertalige banner-nl wrong page name

Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

Talk:Becoming a Mageia Packager

Wiki Mageia - 13 Noviembre, 2024 - 23:37

← Older revision Revision as of 22:37, 13 November 2024 Line 10: Line 10:  One rejected suggestion was the apprentices be allowed to package backports, and as until the padawan level requires supervision of the mentor could be a good idea to keep motivated to the candidates. One rejected suggestion was the apprentices be allowed to package backports, and as until the padawan level requires supervision of the mentor could be a good idea to keep motivated to the candidates.  --[[User:Katnatek|katnatek]] ([[User talk:Katnatek|talk]]) 18:25, 10 October 2024 (UTC) --[[User:Katnatek|katnatek]] ([[User talk:Katnatek|talk]]) 18:25, 10 October 2024 (UTC)  +  +* Also we need a path to follow when mentor quit or let in limbo to their apprentice(s) by whatever motive  +  +--[[User:Katnatek|katnatek]] ([[User talk:Katnatek|talk]]) 22:37, 13 November 2024 (UTC) Katnatek
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

SOP Freeing disk space

Wiki Mageia - 13 Noviembre, 2024 - 19:54

‎Freeing disk space on servers: Add log section

← Older revision Revision as of 18:54, 13 November 2024 Line 11: Line 11:  == distrib == == distrib ==  This holds all RPMs and metadata for all supported releases. When this fills, nobody can build any more packages. One strategy to free space is to hard link identical RPMs between bootstrap and mirror for cauldron. Another is to remove obsolete and unsupported releases, although you must first ensure the files are available elsewhere in case we need to fulfill any obligations under the GPL (and other licenses) to provide source code (this responsibility may not actually apply, but you need to be sure about that before deleting). This holds all RPMs and metadata for all supported releases. When this fills, nobody can build any more packages. One strategy to free space is to hard link identical RPMs between bootstrap and mirror for cauldron. Another is to remove obsolete and unsupported releases, although you must first ensure the files are available elsewhere in case we need to fulfill any obligations under the GPL (and other licenses) to provide source code (this responsibility may not actually apply, but you need to be sure about that before deleting).  +  +== log ==  +If the log partition (/var/log/) is filling up, there are a few things that can be done to make space. Running '''journalctl --vacuum-size=500M''' (with an appropriate size) will make some room immediately by deleting enough older logs so the remainder fit in the given space. Permanently reducing journal log sizes can be done by changing /etc/systemd/journald.conf for the host in puppet.  +  +If other logs which are rotated by logrotate are getting too large, the logrorate settings may need to be tweaked. Logs are normally rotated monthly, so changing that to weekly will compress the log files much more often leaving more free space. This can be done by changing the logrotate settings for a service in puppet, possibly using a <% if @hostname == 'HOST' %> conditional. When changing the log rotation period, make sure to also change the number of logs to keep around (the ''rotate'' value); e.g. if changing from monthly to weekly, the maximum number will need to be increased by a factor of 4 to keep around the same log history available.     == Expanding partitions == == Expanding partitions == Danf
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

Pushing updates

Wiki Mageia - 12 Noviembre, 2024 - 21:34

Add Errors section

← Older revision Revision as of 20:34, 12 November 2024 Line 99: Line 99:     ''NOTE'': This process was developed in 2024 to ensure that users can stay abreast of backports changes. It may change in the future if ''mga-move-pkg'' is updated to automatically mail notifications to backports-announce by itself. ''NOTE'': This process was developed in 2024 to ensure that users can stay abreast of backports changes. It may change in the future if ''mga-move-pkg'' is updated to automatically mail notifications to backports-announce by itself.  +  +== Errors ==  +  +If a problem occurs during the mga-move-pkg stage, then the program may abort without performing all its steps (including package move, update bug, send e-mail, etc.). If the problem was temporary, try just running the command again. If there is still an issue (you may need to read the e-mail sent to qa-reports@ml to see details) then you may need to manually update the advisory status files to continue.  +  +For example, if an error occurred during the package move stage, then the package(s) may have been moved but the status might not have been updated to reflect that. Subsequent invocations will then try to move a package that no longer exists in the updates_testing media where it's expected, causing an error every time. In this case, you will need to edit the appropriate file in /var/lib/mga-advisories/status/ to add a move line to indicate that the move has, indeed, taken place.     [[Category:Sysadmin]] [[Category:Sysadmin]]  [[Category:QA]] [[Category:QA]] Danf
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

Auto inst

Wiki Mageia - 11 Noviembre, 2024 - 16:50

‎No X

← Older revision Revision as of 15:50, 11 November 2024 (One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)Line 2,696: Line 2,696:  mv -f /etc/inittab1 /etc/inittab mv -f /etc/inittab1 /etc/inittab  "</nowiki>}} "</nowiki>}}  +  +If you really want a minimal install without any Xorg related packaged installed, you'll have to use the following trick (works with mageia 9 and an updated grub2 package):  +{{pre|<nowiki>  'rpmsrate_flags_chosen' => {  + CAT_X => 0,  + },  +</nowiki>}}     ==== Default X ==== ==== Default X ==== Bcornec
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia

Auto inst

Wiki Mageia - 11 Noviembre, 2024 - 16:50

‎No X

← Older revision Revision as of 15:50, 11 November 2024 (3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)Line 2,453: Line 2,453:  * [[#default_packages|default_packages]] * [[#default_packages|default_packages]]  * [[#nomouseprobe|nomouseprobe]] * [[#nomouseprobe|nomouseprobe]]  +  +=== skipped_packages ===  +  +The <b>skipped_packages</b> option is used to prevent the installation of the packages listed in this array in a regular expression form.  +  +==== Syntax ====  +  +* The <b>skipped_packages</b> option has the following general syntax:  +{{pre|<nowiki>    'skipped_packages' => [  +        '/^package1-/',  +        '/^package2-/,  +    ]</nowiki>}}  +  +==== Descriptions ====  +  +* <b>package#</b> is the name of the package you DON'T want to install.  +  +==== Examples  ====  +  +* Simple example  +{{pre|<nowiki>    'skipped_packages' => [  +        '/^kernel-desktop-/',  +    ]</nowiki>}}  +  +This will avoid the installation of the desktop kernels (typically on a server install).  +  +==== Related Options ====  +* [[#default_packages|default_packages]] option     === superuser === === superuser === Line 2,659: Line 2,687:  ==== No X ==== ==== No X ====    −For those of you who are not installing or do not want X, you can one of those solutions:+For those of you who are not installing or do not want X, you can choose one of those solutions:  * make sure that the 'X' => {...}, is not present in the {{file|auto_inst.cfg}} file. And also, make sure that you do not install any packages which have {{prog|xorg*}} as a dependancy.   * make sure that the 'X' => {...}, is not present in the {{file|auto_inst.cfg}} file. And also, make sure that you do not install any packages which have {{prog|xorg*}} as a dependancy.    * you can use the following and not worry about which packages are installed: {{pre|<nowiki>  'X' => { 'disabled' => 1 },</nowiki>}} Please note, that even though you may have installed the {{prog|xorg*}} packages, window manager packages, and /or X based applications, X will not be configured correctly. So don't forget and type startx at the command prompt ! * you can use the following and not worry about which packages are installed: {{pre|<nowiki>  'X' => { 'disabled' => 1 },</nowiki>}} Please note, that even though you may have installed the {{prog|xorg*}} packages, window manager packages, and /or X based applications, X will not be configured correctly. So don't forget and type startx at the command prompt ! Line 2,668: Line 2,696:  mv -f /etc/inittab1 /etc/inittab mv -f /etc/inittab1 /etc/inittab  "</nowiki>}} "</nowiki>}}  +  +If you really want a minimal install without any Xorg related packaged installed, you'll have to use the following trick (works with mageia 9 and an updated grub2 package):  +{{pre|<nowiki>  'rpmsrate_flags_chosen' => {  + CAT_X => 0,  + },  +</nowiki>}}     ==== Default X ==== ==== Default X ==== Bcornec
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia