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← Older revision Revision as of 23:48, 3 February 2025 Line 10: Line 10: [[Category: Nederlands]] [[Category: Nederlands]] −{{multi language banner|[[Sophie-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Sophie|Engels]] ; [[Sophie-fr|Frans]] ; [[Sophie-nl|Nederlands]] ; }}+{{multi language banner|[[Sophie-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Sophie|Engels]] ; [[Sophie-fr|Frans]] ; [[Sophie-nl|Nederlands]] ; [[Sophie-pt-BR|português brasileiro]] ; }} Xgrind
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
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← Older revision Revision as of 23:48, 3 February 2025 Line 8: Line 8: [[Category:Triage]] [[Category:Triage]] −{{Multi language banner-fr|[[Sophie-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Sophie|English]] ; [[Sophie-fr|Français]] ; [[Sophie-nl|Nederlands]] ; }}+{{Multi language banner-fr|[[Sophie-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Sophie|English]] ; [[Sophie-fr|Français]] ; [[Sophie-nl|Nederlands]] ; [[Sophie-pt-BR|português brasileiro]] ; }} <div style="text-align:justify"> <div style="text-align:justify"> Xgrind
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
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← Older revision Revision as of 23:48, 3 February 2025 Line 8: Line 8: [[Category:Documentation]] [[Category:Documentation]] −{{multi language banner|[[Sophie-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Sophie|English]] ; [[Sophie-fr|Français]] ; [[Sophie-nl|Nederlands]] ; }}+{{multi language banner|[[Sophie-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Sophie|English]] ; [[Sophie-fr|Français]] ; [[Sophie-nl|Nederlands]] ; [[Sophie-pt-BR|português brasileiro]] ; }} Xgrind
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
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← Older revision Revision as of 23:47, 3 February 2025 Line 3: Line 3: [[Category:QA]] [[Category:QA]] −{{Multi_language_banner-de|[[Sophie-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Sophie|English]] ; [[Sophie-fr|Français]] ; [[Sophie-nl|Nederlands]] ; }}+{{Multi_language_banner-de|[[Sophie-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Sophie|English]] ; [[Sophie-fr|Français]] ; [[Sophie-nl|Nederlands]] ; [[Sophie-pt-BR|português brasileiro]] ; }} {{mgaport-de|url=Sophie}} {{mgaport-de|url=Sophie}} Xgrind
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
Criando a página Sophie-pt-BR
New page
{{multi language banner-pt-BR|[[Sophie-de|Deutsch]] ; [[Sophie|English]] ; [[Sophie-fr|Français]] ; [[Sophie-nl|Nederlands]] ; [[Sophie-pt-BR|português brasileiro]] ; }}
{{introduction-pt-BR|Sophie é um robô de IRC presente em alguns canais do #mageia-* [[Mageia IRC Channels Liberachat|no IRC]]. Ela oferece funcionalidades muito úteis para obter informações sobre pacotes RPM nos repositórios do Mageia. Em muitos canais, a Sophie possui configurações padrão para o nome da distribuição (Mageia, é claro), versão e arquitetura. Essas configurações padrão podem ser substituídas pelas suas configurações pessoais.}}
{{Note-pt-BR|Nanar (Olivier Thauvin, nanardon ARROBA nanardon PONTO zarb PONTO org) é o pai de Sophie. Se ela fugir ou se comportar mal, basta enviar um e-mail para ele, e ele reiniciará o serviço :-D }}
== Uso comum ==
=== Comandos comuns incluem ===
* ''':v''' <nome do pacote> : Exibe a versão de um pacote
* ''':s''' <nome do pacote> : Exibe o resumo de um pacote
* ''':b''' <pacote> : Exibe a data de compilação de um pacote
* ''':maint''' <pacote> : Exibe o mantenedor de um pacote
* ''':p''' <pacote> : Exibe o último empacotador do pacote
* ''':url''' <pacote> : Exibe a URL do pacote (página do projeto, etc.)
* ''':more''' <pacote> : Exibe a descrição completa de um pacote
* ''':q''' <foo> : Pesquisa por pacotes RPM cujo nome corresponda a "foo"
* ''':findfile''' <arquivo> : Encontra os pacotes que fornecem um determinado arquivo
* ''':whatis''' <foo> : Pesquisa pacotes RPM cuja descrição contenha "foo"
* ''':help''' <cmd> : Exibe ajuda sobre o comando "cmd" ou lista os comandos disponíveis
=== Opções adicionais comuns incluem ===
* '''-r''' <lançamento> : Opção para pesquisar em um lançamento diferente do atual, por exemplo. -r cauldron
* '''-d''' <distribuição>: Opção para pesquisar em uma distribuição diferente da atual, por exemplo -d Mandriva
* '''-a''' <arquitetura> : Opção para especificar a arquitetura, como i586 ou x86_64
* '''-s''' : Opção para pesquisar em SRPMS em vez de pacotes binários/noarch
==='''Exemplos de uso'''===
Para exibir a versão do pacote coreutils no Mageia 6:
:v coreutils -d Mga -r 6
Para exibir a versão do pacote systemd no Mageia Cauldron:
:v systemd -d Mga -r cauldron
Para exibir a versão do pacote hplip no Mandriva 2010.2:
:v hplip -d Mdv -r 2010.2
Para mostrar em quais distribuições a Sophie possui informações sobre o pacote 2mandvd:
:q 2mandvd
Para exibir todos os pacotes no Mageia 6 que correspondem à string "udev":
:q udev -d Mga -r 6
== Alterando suas configurações padrão de pesquisa ==
* ''':show''' para ver quais são suas configurações e as configurações usadas no contexto atual
* ''':set <nome_do_parâmetro> <valor>''' para alterar uma configuração padrão para você
* ''':set release cauldron''' para definir a versão padrão como Cauldron (substitua "cauldron" por "5" ou "6", conforme necessário)
* ''':set arch x86_64''' para definir a arquitetura padrão como x86_64 (substitua "x86_64" por "i586", se necessário)
* ''':set distribution Mageia''' para definir a distribuição padrão como Mageia (pode ser necessário em conversas privadas com a Sophie)
Para mais ajuda, acesse a [http://sophie.zarb.org/help/chat/ página de ajuda] e se você não gosta de IRC, há um [http://sophie.zarb.org/chat/ chat online].
[[Portal_Bugsquad-pt-BR|Ir para o '''portal de informações da Bug Squad''']]
[[Portal da equipe de empacotadores-pt-BR|Voltar para o '''portal de informações da equipe de empacotadores''']] Xgrind
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
MGASA-2025-0034 - Updated libxml2 packages fix security vulnerability
Publication date: 03 Feb 2025
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 9
CVE: CVE-2022-49043 Description xmlXIncludeAddNode in xinclude.c in libxml2 before 2.11.0 has a use-after-free. (CVE-2022-49043) References
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 9
CVE: CVE-2022-49043 Description xmlXIncludeAddNode in xinclude.c in libxml2 before 2.11.0 has a use-after-free. (CVE-2022-49043) References
- https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33975
- https://lists.suse.com/pipermail/sle-security-updates/2025-January/020243.html
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-49043
- libxml2-2.10.4-1.5.mga9
Categorías: Actualizaciones de Seguridad
MGASA-2025-0033 - Updated redis packages fix security vulnerabilities
Publication date: 03 Feb 2025
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 9
CVE: CVE-2024-46981 , CVE-2024-51741 Description Redis' Lua library commands may lead to remote code execution. (CVE-2024-46981) Redis allows denial-of-service due to malformed ACL selectors. (CVE-2024-51741) References
Type: security
Affected Mageia releases : 9
CVE: CVE-2024-46981 , CVE-2024-51741 Description Redis' Lua library commands may lead to remote code execution. (CVE-2024-46981) Redis allows denial-of-service due to malformed ACL selectors. (CVE-2024-51741) References
- https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33924
- https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/package-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/4HQU52SRIF5TB4GL3LJOHKX2MUHXNHH6/
- https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2025/msg00018.html
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-46981
- https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-51741
- redis-7.0.14-1.2.mga9
Categorías: Actualizaciones de Seguridad
MGAA-2025-0010 - Updated opencpn-ais-radar-plugin and other opencpn plugins packages fix bug
Publication date: 03 Feb 2025
Type: bugfix
Affected Mageia releases : 9
Description These plugins got some improvements and corrections and are now based on the last opencpn libs. These plugins need to be up to date for sailors' security. References SRPMS 9/core
Type: bugfix
Affected Mageia releases : 9
Description These plugins got some improvements and corrections and are now based on the last opencpn libs. These plugins need to be up to date for sailors' security. References SRPMS 9/core
- opencpn-ais-radar-plugin-
- opencpn-celestial-navigation-plugin-
- opencpn-climatology-plugin-
- opencpn-polar-plugin-
- opencpn-squiddio-plugin-
- opencpn-statusbar-plugin-
- opencpn-watchdog-plugin-
- opencpn-weather-routing-plugin-
- opencpn-weatherfax-plugin-
Categorías: Actualizaciones de Seguridad
MGAA-2025-0009 - Updated yt-dlp & python-websockets packages fix bug
Publication date: 03 Feb 2025
Type: bugfix
Affected Mageia releases : 9
Description The current version no longer works. This update fixes the issue. References SRPMS 9/core
Type: bugfix
Affected Mageia releases : 9
Description The current version no longer works. This update fixes the issue. References SRPMS 9/core
- yt-dlp-2025.01.26-1.mga9
- python-websockets-14.1-1.mga9
Categorías: Actualizaciones de Seguridad
← Older revision Revision as of 14:44, 3 February 2025 Line 57: Line 57: *[[Como pedir ajuda-pt-BR|Como pedir ajuda]] *[[Como pedir ajuda-pt-BR|Como pedir ajuda]] *[[Como_usar_o_IRC-pt-BR|Como usar o IRC]] *[[Como_usar_o_IRC-pt-BR|Como usar o IRC]] −*[[How to write a wiki page|Como escrever uma página wiki]]+*[[Como_criar_uma_página_wiki-pt-BR|Como escrever uma página wiki]] *[[IRC bots|Bots do IRC]] *[[IRC bots|Bots do IRC]] *[[Mageia IRC Channels Liberachat|Canais de IRC do Mageia na Liberachat]] *[[Mageia IRC Channels Liberachat|Canais de IRC do Mageia na Liberachat]] Xgrind
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
Team members
← Older revision Revision as of 17:27, 2 February 2025 (One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)Line 60: Line 60: | Frank Sturm || sturmvogel || sturm-fr [at web [dot] de || || | Frank Sturm || sturmvogel || sturm-fr [at web [dot] de || || |- |- − | José Alberto Valle Cid || kanatek || j.alberto.vc@gmail.com || ||+ | José Alberto Valle Cid || kanatek || j.alberto.vc@gmail.com || + |- + | Roelof Wobben || RoelofW || r.wobben@home.nl || + || Rwobben
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
SOP Reset password
Add a procedure
New page
= Password reset =Normally, a user can go to https://identity.mageia.org/forgot_password and request a password reset on his/her own. This feature is disabled for some accounts, in which case the user must contact sysadmin to perform a reset.
== Request Verification ==
It's vital to verify the request first to avoid an account takeover by a malicious actor. Use one of the procedures at [[SOP Change user e-mail#Request_Verification]] if possible, although all of those assume the user can still log in by some means.
If those aren't possible, e-mail the user with a random word and have him/her reply to sysadmin AT group DOT mageia DOT org. That validates that the user has access to e-mail sent to that address. Check the headers of the received e-mail to see if there is a valid DKIM header (verify it, don't just assume it's OK), which provides a degree of proof the e-mail was actually sent by the authorized user. Mageia servers don't add a header verifying SPF as of this writing, so that can't be checked on that e-mail to sysadmin. If the user e-mails you directly and your mail server checks SPF and adds a header with the result of the check, it's a much weaker validation but still something.
== Reset password ==
The password reset flow at https://identity.mageia.org/forgot_password isn't appropriate for cases where sysadmin action is necessary. ''TODO: but maybe there's a simpler way than the temporary password method below.''
== Update password ==
Choose a new random, temporary password for the user and hash it with the command:
$ slappasswd -h '{SSHA}'
You will be asked to type it in twice. The result is a string like '''{SSHA}xyzzyxyzzy''' which is the salted password to be stored in LDAP. Run this command on duvel, replacing '''USERUID''' with the user's uid and '''xyzzyxyzzy''' with the actual hashed password ('''$USER''' is entered literally and will automatically be replaced by your own current user login):
$ ldapmodify -H ldaps://ldap.mageia.org -D "uid=$USER,ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org" -W <<EOF
dn: uid=USERUID,ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org
changetype: modify
replace: userPassword
userPassword: {SSHA}xyzzyxyzzy
E-mail the user (using an account with SMTP over TLS is enabled) with the temporary password and instructions to go to https://identity.mageia.org/ and change it immediately. Check that the user has done so by running:
$ ldapsearch -H ldaps://ldap.mageia.org -b ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org -D uid=$USER,ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org -W '(uid=USERID)'
The ''userPassword::'' field is base64-encoded, so decode it with:
$ base64 -d <<< XXXXX
where XXX is the string after ''userPassword::''. Ensure that what is displayed is different from what you sent it to, or else the password has not yet been changed. Danf
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
Sysadmin Tasks
Access/Identity: Reset password
← Older revision Revision as of 03:06, 2 February 2025 Line 20: Line 20: * [[SOP Change SSH key]] * [[SOP Change SSH key]] * [[SOP Delete user]] on request * [[SOP Delete user]] on request +* [[SOP Reset password]] * [[SOP Sysadmin access revocation]] * [[SOP Sysadmin access revocation]] * [[SOP Adding groups]] * [[SOP Adding groups]] Danf
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
SOP Change user e-mail
Request Verification: Fix typo & simplify
← Older revision Revision as of 18:23, 1 February 2025 Line 11: Line 11: ldapsearch -H ldaps://ldap.mageia.org -b ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org -D uid=$USER,ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org -W '(mail=REQUESTER@E-MAIL)' ldapsearch -H ldaps://ldap.mageia.org -b ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org -D uid=$USER,ou=People,dc=mageia,dc=org -W '(mail=REQUESTER@E-MAIL)' </pre> </pre> −Replace $USER with your Mageia user ID (if necessarY0 and REQUESTER@E-MAIL with the e-mail address from Bugzilla. Use your Mageia password when it asks for a password. The user's Mageia account info will be shown including the uid of the account owner. If it matches the request, you're go to go.+Replace REQUESTER@E-MAIL with the e-mail address from Bugzilla. Use your Mageia password when it asks for a password. The user's Mageia account info will be shown including the uid of the account owner. If it matches the request, you're go to go. * If the user isn't able to log in to Bugzilla but has an SSH key on file, you can use that to authenticate him/her. If the account holder is a packager, he/she can prove identity by making a specific requested change to an svn or git file. * If the user isn't able to log in to Bugzilla but has an SSH key on file, you can use that to authenticate him/her. If the account holder is a packager, he/she can prove identity by making a specific requested change to an svn or git file. Danf
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
Vendored dependencies
See Also: Add Trivy
← Older revision Revision as of 14:41, 1 February 2025 (2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)Line 45: Line 45: # Ruby* # Ruby* # OCaml # OCaml −# Nodejs (Javascript)*+# Javascript* (nodejs) # PHP* # PHP* # Erlang* # Erlang* +# other compiled languages like C# (mono), BASIC (FreeBASIC), FORTRAN (gfortran), Pascal (lazarus) <nowiki>*</nowiki> Interpreted languages that don't statically link dependencies into applications or modules <nowiki>*</nowiki> Interpreted languages that don't statically link dependencies into applications or modules Line 105: Line 106: * [https://guac.sh/ GUAC] SBOM management tool * [https://guac.sh/ GUAC] SBOM management tool * [https://github.com/anchore/grype grype], tool that can look up security issues from a SPDX SBOM * [https://github.com/anchore/grype grype], tool that can look up security issues from a SPDX SBOM +* [https://trivy.dev/ Trivy], tool that can look up security issues from a SPDX SBOM [[Category:Packaging]] [[Category:Packaging]] Danf
Categorías: Wiki de Mageia
