* Imagenes de instalación de las versiones estables para Mageia y OpenMandriva.

OpenMandriva: Mageia (Mageia 9) 20/Agosto/2023 - Anuncio, Descargas.

Blogdrake recomienda descargar las imágenes de instalación (iso) vía torrent para evitar corrupción de datos, aprovechar mejor su ancho de banda y mejorar la difusión de las distribuciones.

Mandriva Discover

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Here is July 2009 Mandriva newsletter:

* Mandriva launches its new server: Mandriva Enterprise Server 5
* Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring
* Mandriva Flash 2009 Spring
* InstantOn
* Mandriva R&D
* Mandriva Brazil

Mandriva Enterprise Server 5

Mandriva has presented its new server: Mandriva Enterprise Server 5.

This new cost-cutting Linux server, which simplifies infrastructure management, is simple, effective and accessible.

» More

For more information contact the Mandriva team at: sales@mandriva.com.

Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring

The latest Mandriva distribution, Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring, was officially launched on April 28.

Offering an environment KDE 4.2.2, Gnome 2.26.1 or LXDE, this new Mandriva Linux version is one of the easiest distributions to use.

You can find the following software: OpenOffice.org 3.0, Mozilla Firefox 3, Sugar, Songbird, VirtualBox 2.2, Wine 1.1.19, Nepomuk and much more...

» Download Mandriva One
» Buy Mandriva Linux Powerpack from the Mandriva Store

Mandriva Flash 2009 Spring

Mandriva is set to launch its flagship product: Mandriva Flash.

This genuine mobile workstation provides an ever more enhanced capacity to use Mandriva Linux in complete security wherever you want.

You will impress friends by showing them the scope of their PC thanks to Mandriva Flash 2009 Spring whose adaptibility offers the best options.

» Learn more
» Buy Mandriva Flash on the Mandriva Store

Mandriva InstantOn

Boot up your PC in under 10 seconds?

It's now possible thanks to Mandriva's InstantOn.

This system, rapid, customised and innovative, has been developed so you can use existing applications without having to use a complete system.

In addition, this product can be installed on small disc empreintes such as Flash memory and hard drive.

Why not create your own rapid boot up environment?

Mandriva Linux 2010

On July 31, the Alpha 2 version of Mandriva Linux 2010 was revealed.

* development planning,

Mandriva Research and Development projects


This second version of the grid operating system (OS grid), based on Mandriva is in the process of being finalised. The version 2.0 is set to be revealed at the end of July.

We also hope to bring out project-dedicated USB Mandriva Flash disks which will enable a grid to be tested in a few minutes.

The Mancoosi project has two objectives:

» improve the meta-installers (urpmi) by analysing the dependencies before a package is installed and by offering a high level choice (smaller packages, more stable, ...) for the alternatives;

» and offering installations which can be rolled back. The aim of Mancoosi is to reunite a very large number of bug reports from different distributions to be able to propose a competition between the algorithms of package choice. For this competition to be stimulating it will depend on your bug reports.

We hope to be able to integrate in urpmi the best algorithm of dependance choice.

Quality Assurance

We are working on several projects such as Qualipso or Helios in order to improve in an objective manner the quality of our distribution.

However, it's not simple! You can follow our progress on the section testcloud of doc4.
Graphical User Interface

Mandriva wishes to establish a semi-automatic annotation system within Kmail through natural language processing.

Thanks to the Nepomuk API, these functions will be standardised in applications.

We are also working on an integration interface where the user will be able to view the urls, files, repertories, mails, list of sub-tasks concerning the task on which he is working.

Mandriva Brazil signs OEM contracts.

Mandriva Brazil reports a number of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) contracts which are being finalised. We will tell you more shortly.

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* Contact us if you have any question relative to this message.

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