OpenMandriva: Mageia (Mageia 9) 20/Agosto/2023 - Anuncio, Descargas.
Blogdrake recomienda descargar las imágenes de instalación (iso) vía torrent para evitar corrupción de datos, aprovechar mejor su ancho de banda y mejorar la difusión de las distribuciones.
Kmess falla
No estuve actualizando ni instalando nada, solo estuve moviendo y borrando cosas de la compu, nada del sistema, ni siquera temporales, solo archivos. El kmess abre y se cierra .
El cartel dice:
kmess, manejador de fallos de kde
ha ocurrido un error fatal
kmess, crashed caused signal error 6 (SIGABRT)
Clikeo para que me de detalles y no me los da, no puede generar trazado inverso.
Quizá haya movido o borrado algún avatar. Esto no sucede con todas las cuentas de hotmail, dos cuentas abren y otras dos son las que se cierran. Trate de desinstalar y volver a intalar, borra las cuentas y borrar las carpetas en /home/usuario/.kde4/share/apps/kmess. No pasa nada.
Estos son los datos de mi maquina:
Mandriva Linux 2009.1 i586
Kernel on a Dual-processor i686
KDE Versión 4.2.2 (KDE 4.2.2)
Se que es un bug de kde, encontré este mismo error en el foro de kmess, pero lamentablemente mi nivel de ingles no me permite darme cuenta que es lo que hay que hacer para reparar esto.
Las paginas del foro de kmess:
Al abrir el kmess por consola se arroja esto:
02080 1190611995"
32,822> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::slotConnected: Connected to server, sending authentication.
32,822> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::writeData: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - >>> "ANS 0 2898107.17922037 1755653201"
32,896> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("IRO", "0", "1", "1", "", "Julai", "1073741856")
32,897> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::contactJoined: Contact "" has joined.
32,897> kmess(26626) ContactBase::addSwitchboardConnection: adding connection to list.
32,897> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::sendMimeMessageWhenReady: Sending mime message of type ' "text/x-clientcaps" '.
32,897> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::writeBinaryData: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - >>> "MSG 1 U 102
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-clientcaps
Client-Name: KMess/2.0beta1-svn ( >= 20090404)"
32,898> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("ANS", "0", "OK")
33,008> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("IRO", "0", "1", "1", "", "Magal%c3%ad%20Carla", "1073741856")
33,008> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::contactJoined: Contact "" has joined.
33,009> kmess(26626) ContactBase::addSwitchboardConnection: adding connection to list.
33,009> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::sendMimeMessageWhenReady: Sending mime message of type ' "text/x-clientcaps" '.
33,009> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::writeBinaryData: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - >>> "MSG 1 U 102
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-clientcaps
Client-Name: KMess/2.0beta1-svn ( >= 20090404)"
33,009> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::getApplicationList: Creating application list for contact ""
33,018> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::startMsnObjectDownload: Starting MsnObject download (type= 3 ).
33,033> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::addApplication: connecting p2p application signals.
33,033> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotConnectApplication: Connecting application signals.
33,034> kmess(26626) MsnObjectTransferP2P::userStarted1_UserInvitesContact: requesting display picture
33,042> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::sendSlpInvitation: Sending INVITE message
33,042> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendSlpMessage: SLP message= "INVITE MSNSLP/1.0
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={3B4DB9E4-B162-3B86-13C4-935F3357999F}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {9BFD91C7-99B2-93E1-B3DE-194CB9D1B20A}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 341
EUF-GUID: {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}
SessionID: 5142600
AppID: 12
Context: PG1zbm9iaiBDcmVhdG9yPSJsYW1hZ2lhY29udGludWFAaG90bWFpbC5jb20iIFNpemU9IjEwNjE2IiBUeXBlPSIzIiBMb2NhdGlvbj0iVEZSMkMyLnRtcCIgRnJpZW5kbHk9IkFBQT0iIFNIQTFEPSJ1ZkJ3Z0w1aWdhZkxJTG80eEc1RjNYS2xzYlk9IiBTSEExQz0iUnFsWVFUOUErdFlaUnRYRGU0cTA4dDFQZ21NPSIvPgA=
33,043> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotDeliverMimeMessage: Delivering application message for ' "" ' to switchboard.
33,043> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::sendMimeMessageWhenReady: Sending mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,043> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::writeBinaryData: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - >>> "MSG 2 D 847
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,045> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: copy constructor
33,045> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PMessageImpl: Storing message fields to track the ACK response.
33,045> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PMessageImpl: Message transmitted (sid= 0 mid= 12890956 ackSid= 1902036 flags=0x "0" size= 695 type= 1 )
33,045> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::sendSlpInvitation: Waiting for contact to send INVITE ACK, and accept later...
33,046> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::setWaitingState: switching waitingState of session 0 from 0 to 18
33,046> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("ANS", "0", "OK")
33,061> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Julai", "828")
33,062> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,064> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message, extracting binary p2p body.
33,064> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,064> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::getApplicationList: Creating application list for contact ""
33,064> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::gotMessage: Parsing received P2P message: sid= 0 mid= 503468701 ackSid= 935669274 ackUid= 0 flags=0x "0" size= 682 offset= 0 total= 682 no.sessions= 0
33,064> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::gotMessage: No existing P2P session found for the MSNSLP message, must be a new session invitation.
33,064> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::createApplication: Creating new P2PApplication instance to parse the P2P message.
33,065> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::createApplicationByEufGuid: Creating P2PApplication for GUID "{A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}"
33,065> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::createApplication: Connecting P2PApplication signals
33,065> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::addApplication: connecting p2p application signals.
33,065> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotConnectApplication: Connecting application signals.
33,065> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotMessage: P2P message from "" is handled by a newly created session.
33,065> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the sub message
33,065> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::gotNegotiationMessage: Got an SLP message, preamble= "INVITE MSNSLP/1.0" .
33,065> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::gotSlpInvite: Got SLP INVITE message
33,065> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the sub message
33,066> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PAckImpl: Sending P2P ACK (INVITE-ACK)
33,066> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotDeliverMimeMessage: Delivering application message for ' "" ' to switchboard.
33,066> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::sendMimeMessageWhenReady: Sending mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,066> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::writeBinaryData: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - >>> "MSG 2 D 156
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,067> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: copy constructor
33,067> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PAckImpl: ACK Transmitted (flags=0x "2" ).
33,067> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::setWaitingState: temporary switching waitingState of session 0 from 0 to 16
33,067> kmess(26626) MsnObjectTransferP2P::contactStarted1_ContactInvitesUser:
33,068> kmess(26626) MsnObjectTransferP2P::contactStarted1_ContactInvitesUser: Got context " "<msnobj Creator="" Size="8243" Type="3" Location="KMess.tmp" Friendly="AA==" SHA1D="U0d0F9OlKhu2RTBzX0jv2hePIWw=" SHA1C="7Gg9zkVPOmYczqQWd34aeFzEWpI="/>" ".
33,068> kmess(26626) MsnObjectTransferP2P::contactStarted2_UserAccepts:
33,068> kmess(26626) MsnObjectTransferP2P::contactStarted2_UserAccepts: Sending accept message
33,068> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::sendSlpOkMessage: Sending MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK message.
33,068> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendSlpMessage: SLP message= "MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={4DF32A21-11A5-121A-4AA7-18442B00AB15}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {1FA88224-A248-A2BF-3399-B0E3AE9C11EF}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 26
SessionID: 1662427677
33,069> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotDeliverMimeMessage: Delivering application message for ' "" ' to switchboard.
33,069> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::sendMimeMessageWhenReady: Sending mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,069> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::writeBinaryData: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - >>> "MSG 3 D 504
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,070> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: copy constructor
33,070> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PMessageImpl: Storing message fields to track the ACK response.
33,070> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PMessageImpl: Message transmitted (sid= 0 mid= 14336757 ackSid= 1421456 flags=0x "0" size= 348 type= 2 )
33,071> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::sendSlpOkMessage: Waiting for contact to ACK the 200 OK message...
33,071> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::setWaitingState: switching waitingState of session 1662427677 from 16 to 1
33,196> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Magal%c3%ad%20Carla", "823")
33,196> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,199> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message, extracting binary p2p body.
33,199> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,199> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::gotMessage: Parsing received P2P message: sid= 0 mid= 499521042 ackSid= 2076422667 ackUid= 0 flags=0x "0" size= 677 offset= 0 total= 677 no.sessions= 1
33,199> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::getApplicationByCallId: Demultiplexing P2P message (CallID "{9BFD91C7-99B2-93E1-B3DE-194CB9D1B20A}" == "{84EC248D-9F3E-A690-AD96-858E6CE849DB}" ?)
33,199> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::gotMessage: No existing P2P session found for the MSNSLP message, must be a new session invitation.
33,199> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::createApplication: Creating new P2PApplication instance to parse the P2P message.
33,199> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::createApplicationByEufGuid: Creating P2PApplication for GUID "{A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}"
33,200> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::createApplication: Connecting P2PApplication signals
33,200> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::addApplication: connecting p2p application signals.
33,200> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotConnectApplication: Connecting application signals.
33,200> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotMessage: P2P message from "" is handled by a newly created session.
33,200> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the sub message
33,200> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::gotNegotiationMessage: Got an SLP message, preamble= "INVITE MSNSLP/1.0" .
33,200> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::gotSlpInvite: Got SLP INVITE message
33,200> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the sub message
33,200> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PAckImpl: Sending P2P ACK (INVITE-ACK)
33,200> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotDeliverMimeMessage: Delivering application message for ' "" ' to switchboard.
33,201> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::sendMimeMessageWhenReady: Sending mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,201> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::writeBinaryData: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - >>> "MSG 3 D 152
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,202> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: copy constructor
33,202> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PAckImpl: ACK Transmitted (flags=0x "2" ).
33,202> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::setWaitingState: temporary switching waitingState of session 0 from 0 to 16
33,202> kmess(26626) MsnObjectTransferP2P::contactStarted1_ContactInvitesUser:
33,202> kmess(26626) MsnObjectTransferP2P::contactStarted1_ContactInvitesUser: Got context " "<msnobj Creator="" Size="8243" Type="3" Location="KMess.tmp" Friendly="AA==" SHA1D="U0d0F9OlKhu2RTBzX0jv2hePIWw=" SHA1C="7Gg9zkVPOmYczqQWd34aeFzEWpI="/>" ".
33,202> kmess(26626) MsnObjectTransferP2P::contactStarted2_UserAccepts:
33,202> kmess(26626) MsnObjectTransferP2P::contactStarted2_UserAccepts: Sending accept message
33,203> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::sendSlpOkMessage: Sending MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK message.
33,203> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendSlpMessage: SLP message= "MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={657A77EF-B89A-7D35-26B2-3C2C9D0C8CF1}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {84EC248D-9F3E-A690-AD96-858E6CE849DB}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 25
SessionID: 936509547
33,203> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotDeliverMimeMessage: Delivering application message for ' "" ' to switchboard.
33,203> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::sendMimeMessageWhenReady: Sending mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,204> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::writeBinaryData: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - >>> "MSG 4 D 495
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,205> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: copy constructor
33,205> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PMessageImpl: Storing message fields to track the ACK response.
33,205> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PMessageImpl: Message transmitted (sid= 0 mid= 3856741 ackSid= 1107552 flags=0x "0" size= 343 type= 2 )
33,205> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::sendSlpOkMessage: Waiting for contact to ACK the 200 OK message...
33,205> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::setWaitingState: switching waitingState of session 936509547 from 16 to 1
33,219> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Julai", "101")
33,220> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-clientcaps
Client-Name: something/0.0.1
Chat-Logging: N
33,221> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message.
33,221> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "text/x-clientcaps" '.
33,221> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseClientCapsMessage: Got third-party client info message. (message dump follows)
33,222> MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-clientcaps
Client-Name: something/0.0.1
Chat-Logging: N
33,222> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the sub message
33,261> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("ACK", "2")
33,371> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Magal%c3%ad%20Carla", "98")
33,371> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-clientcaps
Client-Name: Purple/2.5.9
Chat-Logging: Y
33,372> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message.
33,372> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "text/x-clientcaps" '.
33,373> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseClientCapsMessage: Got third-party client info message. (message dump follows)
33,373> MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-clientcaps
Client-Name: Purple/2.5.9
Chat-Logging: Y
33,373> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the sub message
33,461> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Magal%c3%ad%20Carla", "146")
33,461> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,463> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message, extracting binary p2p body.
33,463> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,463> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::gotMessage: Parsing received P2P message: sid= 0 mid= 499521046 ackSid= 12890956 ackUid= 1902036 flags=0x "2" size= 0 offset= 0 total= 695 no.sessions= 2
33,463> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::getUnAckedMessage: message is matched, option 1: ackUniqueID = original uniqueID 1902036 .
33,463> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotMessage: New P2P message from "" is handled by session 5142600 .
33,463> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::getUnAckedMessage: message is matched, option 1: ackUniqueID = original uniqueID 1902036 .
33,463> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotMessage: Removed ack slot for message (sid= 0 mid= 12890956 ackSid= 1902036 size= 695 type= 1 )
33,464> WARNING: ASSERT: "message.getTotalSize() == 0" in file /home/mandrake/rpm/BUILD/kmess/src/network/applications/p2papplication.cpp, line 340
33,464> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::gotAck: Got an ACK message (INVITE ACK).
33,464> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::gotAck_slpSessionInvitation: Waiting for 200 OK message...
33,464> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::setWaitingState: switching waitingState of session 5142600 from 18 to 8
33,464> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Magal%c3%ad%20Carla", "487")
33,464> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,466> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message, extracting binary p2p body.
33,466> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,466> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::gotMessage: Parsing received P2P message: sid= 0 mid= 499521043 ackSid= 1826500519 ackUid= 0 flags=0x "0" size= 341 offset= 0 total= 341 no.sessions= 2
33,466> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::getApplicationByCallId: Demultiplexing P2P message (CallID "{9BFD91C7-99B2-93E1-B3DE-194CB9D1B20A}" == "{9BFD91C7-99B2-93E1-B3DE-194CB9D1B20A}" ?)
33,466> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotMessage: New P2P message from "" is handled by session 5142600 .
33,466> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the sub message
33,466> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::gotNegotiationMessage: Got an SLP message, preamble= "MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK" .
33,467> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::gotSlpStatus: Got SLP status message ( "MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK" )
33,467> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::setWaitingState: temporary switching waitingState of session 5142600 from 8 to 0
33,467> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the sub message
33,467> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PAckImpl: Sending P2P ACK
33,467> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotDeliverMimeMessage: Delivering application message for ' "" ' to switchboard.
33,467> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::sendMimeMessageWhenReady: Sending mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,467> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::writeBinaryData: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - >>> "MSG 5 D 152
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,468> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: copy constructor
33,468> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PAckImpl: ACK Transmitted (flags=0x "2" ).
33,468> kmess(26626) MsnObjectTransferP2P::userStarted2_ContactAccepts:
33,468> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::gotSlpOk: Waiting for contact to send some prepare message...
33,468> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::setWaitingState: switching waitingState of session 5142600 from 0 to 3
33,469> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Magal%c3%ad%20Carla", "150")
33,469> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,470> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message, extracting binary p2p body.
33,470> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,470> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::gotMessage: Parsing received P2P message: sid= 5142600 mid= 499521044 ackSid= 1862972615 ackUid= 0 flags=0x "0" size= 4 offset= 0 total= 4 no.sessions= 2
33,470> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::getApplicationBySessionId: Demultiplexing P2P message (SessionID 5142600 == 5142600 ?)
33,470> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotMessage: New P2P message from "" is handled by session 5142600 .
33,470> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::gotDataPreparation: Got the data preparation message
33,471> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::initiateTransfer: Signalling implementation class to start the file transfer.
33,471> kmess(26626) MsnObjectTransferP2P::userStarted3_UserPrepares:
33,486> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::gotDataPreparation: Data preparation successful, sending ACK
33,487> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PAckImpl: Sending P2P ACK
33,487> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotDeliverMimeMessage: Delivering application message for ' "" ' to switchboard.
33,487> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::sendMimeMessageWhenReady: Sending mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,487> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::writeBinaryData: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - >>> "MSG 6 D 152
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,488> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: copy constructor
33,488> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PAckImpl: ACK Transmitted (flags=0x "2" ).
33,488> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::gotDataPreparation: Waiting for file data to arrive...
33,488> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::setWaitingState: switching waitingState of session 5142600 from 3 to 2
33,489> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Magal%c3%ad%20Carla", "1348")
33,489> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,490> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message, extracting binary p2p body.
33,490> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,490> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::gotMessage: Parsing received P2P message: sid= 5142600 mid= 499521045 ackSid= 669167045 ackUid= 0 flags=0x "20" size= 1202 offset= 0 total= 10616 no.sessions= 2
33,490> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::getApplicationBySessionId: Demultiplexing P2P message (SessionID 5142600 == 5142600 ?)
33,490> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotMessage: New P2P message from "" is handled by session 5142600 .
33,491> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotDataFragment: Received file data, calling gotData().
33,491> kmess(26626) Application::showTransferProgress: Transferred 1202 bytes.
33,597> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("ACK", "3")
33,598> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("ACK", "4")
33,602> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("ACK", "2")
33,603> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotSwitchboardReady: A switchboard is ready to send more messages, no messages pending.
33,603> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("ACK", "3")
33,603> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotSwitchboardReady: A switchboard is ready to send more messages, no messages pending.
33,653> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Magal%c3%ad%20Carla", "1348")
33,653> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,655> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message, extracting binary p2p body.
33,655> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,655> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::gotMessage: Parsing received P2P message: sid= 5142600 mid= 499521045 ackSid= 669167045 ackUid= 0 flags=0x "20" size= 1202 offset= 1202 total= 10616 no.sessions= 2
33,655> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::getApplicationBySessionId: Demultiplexing P2P message (SessionID 5142600 == 5142600 ?)
33,655> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotMessage: New P2P message from "" is handled by session 5142600 .
33,655> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotDataFragment: Received file data, calling gotData().
33,655> kmess(26626) Application::showTransferProgress: Transferred 2404 bytes.
33,763> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Julai", "146")
33,763> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,764> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message, extracting binary p2p body.
33,764> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,764> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::gotMessage: Parsing received P2P message: sid= 0 mid= 503468702 ackSid= 14336757 ackUid= 1421456 flags=0x "2" size= 0 offset= 0 total= 348 no.sessions= 1
33,765> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::getUnAckedMessage: message is matched, option 1: ackUniqueID = original uniqueID 1421456 .
33,765> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotMessage: New P2P message from "" is handled by session 1662427677 .
33,765> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::getUnAckedMessage: message is matched, option 1: ackUniqueID = original uniqueID 1421456 .
33,765> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotMessage: Removed ack slot for message (sid= 0 mid= 14336757 ackSid= 1421456 size= 348 type= 2 )
33,765> WARNING: ASSERT: "message.getTotalSize() == 0" in file /home/mandrake/rpm/BUILD/kmess/src/network/applications/p2papplication.cpp, line 340
33,765> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::gotAck: Got an ACK message (200 OK ACK).
33,765> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::setWaitingState: temporary switching waitingState of session 1662427677 from 1 to 0
33,765> kmess(26626) MsnObjectTransferP2P::contactStarted3_ContactConfirmsAccept:
33,765> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotDeliverMimeMessage: Delivering application message for ' "" ' to switchboard.
33,765> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::sendMimeMessageWhenReady: Sending mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,765> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::writeBinaryData: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - >>> "MSG 4 D 160
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,766> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: copy constructor
33,767> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PMessageImpl: Storing message fields to track the ACK response.
33,767> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PMessageImpl: Message transmitted (sid= 1662427677 mid= 14336758 ackSid= 5544840 flags=0x "0" size= 4 type= 4 )
33,767> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendDataPreparation: Waiting for data preparation ACK...
33,767> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::setWaitingState: switching waitingState of session 1662427677 from 0 to 4
33,788> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("ACK", "5")
33,788> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotSwitchboardReady: A switchboard is ready to send more messages, no messages pending.
33,788> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("ACK", "6")
33,789> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotSwitchboardReady: A switchboard is ready to send more messages, no messages pending.
33,830> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Magal%c3%ad%20Carla", "146")
33,830> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,831> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message, extracting binary p2p body.
33,831> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,832> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::gotMessage: Parsing received P2P message: sid= 0 mid= 499521047 ackSid= 3856741 ackUid= 1107552 flags=0x "2" size= 0 offset= 0 total= 343 no.sessions= 2
33,832> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::getUnAckedMessage: message is matched, option 1: ackUniqueID = original uniqueID 1107552 .
33,832> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotMessage: New P2P message from "" is handled by session 936509547 .
33,832> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::getUnAckedMessage: message is matched, option 1: ackUniqueID = original uniqueID 1107552 .
33,832> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotMessage: Removed ack slot for message (sid= 0 mid= 3856741 ackSid= 1107552 size= 343 type= 2 )
33,832> WARNING: ASSERT: "message.getTotalSize() == 0" in file /home/mandrake/rpm/BUILD/kmess/src/network/applications/p2papplication.cpp, line 340
33,832> kmess(26626) P2PApplication::gotAck: Got an ACK message (200 OK ACK).
33,832> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::setWaitingState: temporary switching waitingState of session 936509547 from 1 to 0
33,832> kmess(26626) MsnObjectTransferP2P::contactStarted3_ContactConfirmsAccept:
33,832> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotDeliverMimeMessage: Delivering application message for ' "" ' to switchboard.
33,833> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::sendMimeMessageWhenReady: Sending mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,833> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::writeBinaryData: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - >>> "MSG 7 D 156
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,834> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: copy constructor
33,834> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PMessageImpl: Storing message fields to track the ACK response.
33,834> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendP2PMessageImpl: Message transmitted (sid= 936509547 mid= 3856742 ackSid= 9788468 flags=0x "0" size= 4 type= 4 )
33,834> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::sendDataPreparation: Waiting for data preparation ACK...
33,834> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::setWaitingState: switching waitingState of session 936509547 from 0 to 4
33,973> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("MSG", "", "Magal%c3%ad%20Carla", "1348")
33,973> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (P) "MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
33,974> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the message, extracting binary p2p body.
33,974> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::parseMimeMessage: Received mime message of type ' "application/x-msnmsgrp2p" '.
33,974> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::gotMessage: Parsing received P2P message: sid= 5142600 mid= 499521045 ackSid= 669167045 ackUid= 0 flags=0x "20" size= 1202 offset= 2404 total= 10616 no.sessions= 2
33,974> kmess(26626) ApplicationList::getApplicationBySessionId: Demultiplexing P2P message (SessionID 5142600 == 5142600 ?)
33,974> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotMessage: New P2P message from "" is handled by session 5142600 .
33,974> kmess(26626) P2PApplicationBase::gotDataFragment: Received file data, calling gotData().
33,974> kmess(26626) Application::showTransferProgress: Transferred 3606 bytes.
33,990> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::slotDataReceived: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - <<< (C) ("ACK", "4")
33,991> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::slotSwitchboardReady: A switchboard is ready to send more messages, no messages pending.
34,000> kmess(26626) HttpSoapConnection::slotRequestFinished: Received response: code 200 QVariant(QString, "OK") from QUrl( "" )
34,000> kmess(26626) HttpSoapConnection::slotRequestFinished: Reply contents:
34,000> kmess(26626) HttpSoapConnection::slotRequestFinished: "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""><s:Body><GetMessageResponse xmlns=""><GetMessageResult>X-Originating-IP: []
X-Originating-Email: []
X-Message-Routing: eZqPogY4VCfJMli9auZVI8wsf+Kh/14V9zIRJHLlvyA8rOkWIRm+JKLEf9z3Rriabc1Ze
From: =?utf-8?B?bmljb2xhc19yb3NzQGhvdG1haWwuY29t?= <>
To: <>
X-DS-server: BLU119-DS8
Message-ID: <BLU119-DS893266060@BLU119-DS8.phx.gbl>
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 14 Oct 2010 23:46:52.4113 (UTC) FILETIME=[138BC3E7:01CB6BFA]
Date: 14 Oct 2010 16:46:52 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
X-OIM-Message-Type: OfflineMessage
X-OIM-Run-Id: {886F9161-68C8-7F6B-9104-437F99FC6010}
X-OIM-Sequence-Num: 1
34,001> WARNING: ASSERT: "! rootNode.isNull()" in file /home/mandrake/rpm/BUILD/kmess/src/utils/xmlfunctions.cpp, line 107
34,001> WARNING: kmess(26626) XmlFunctions::getNodeValue: Attempted to request ' "ServiceHeader/PreferredHostName" ' on null root node.
34,002> kmess(26626) OfflineImService::parseSecureResult: parsing SOAP response.
34,002> kmess(26626) OfflineImService::processGetMessageResult: Parsing downloaded Offline-IM message.
34,002> kmess(26626) MimeMessage::MimeMessage: Parsing the sub message
34,002> WARNING: kmess(26626) MimeMessage::getValue: This message contained no field " "From" ".
34,002> WARNING: kmess(26626) MimeMessage::getValue: This message contained no field " "To" ".
34,002> WARNING: kmess(26626) MimeMessage::getValue: This message contained no field " "Date" ".
34,002> WARNING: kmess(26626) MimeMessage::getValue: This message contained no field " "X-OIM-Run-Id" ".
34,002> WARNING: kmess(26626) MimeMessage::getValue: This message contained no field " "X-OIM-Sequence-Num" ".
34,002> WARNING: kmess(26626) MimeMessage::getValue: This message contained no field " "Content-Type" ".
34,002> WARNING: kmess(26626) OfflineImService::processGetMessageResult: Received unexpected content type: ""
34,002> WARNING: kmess(26626) MimeMessage::getValue: This message contained no field " "Content-Transfer-Encoding" ".
34,002> WARNING: kmess(26626) OfflineImService::processGetMessageResult: Received unexpected transfer encoding: ""
34,002> WARNING: kmess(26626) MimeMessage::getValue: This message contained no field " "X-OIM-Message-Type" ".
34,002> WARNING: kmess(26626) OfflineImService::processGetMessageResult: Received unexpected message type: ""
34,002> kmess(26626) MsnNotificationConnection::receivedOfflineIm: Received an offline IM message (from= "" runid= "" sequenceNum= 0 )
34,002> WARNING: ASSERT: "to == currentAccount_->getHandle()" in file /home/mandrake/rpm/BUILD/kmess/src/network/msnnotificationconnection.cpp, line 2300
34,002> kmess(26626) MsnNotificationConnection::receivedOfflineIm: All messages received, displaying messages in chat window.
34,002> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::showSpecialMessage: Delivering application/ink/OIM chat message to chat window.
34,002> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::showSpecialMessage: Message info, Contact: "" - Message body: ' "" ' - Message type: 9 - Message class: 0 .
34,002> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::showSpecialMessage: Message is important, delivering it.
34,002> kmess(26626) ChatMaster::createSwitchboardConnection: Creating a new switchboard connection.
34,002> kmess(26626) MsnConnection::attachToSocketSignals: "MsnSwitchboardConnection" - Connecting socket signals.
34,002> kmess(26626) MsnSwitchboardConnection::start: Initializing offline connection with "" .
34,114> kmess(26626) ChatView::initialize: initializing.
34,115> kmess(26626) ContactsWidget::slotUpdateDisplayPicture: Not updating hidden user picture widget
34,115> kmess(26626) ChatMessageView::updateChatStyle: updating style.
34,115> kmess(26626) XslTransformation::setStylesheet: loading new style sheet ' "/usr/share/apps/kmess/styles/Fresh/Fresh.xsl" '
34,147> kmess(26626) XslTransformation::setStylesheet: style sheet loaded.
34,148> kmess(26626) ChatMessageStyle::setStyle: Style "Fresh" loaded from path: "/usr/share/apps/kmess/styles/Fresh/Fresh.xsl" . Base folder: "/usr/share/apps/kmess/styles/Fresh/"
34,155> kmess(26626) Chat::setSwitchboardConnection: Switchboard was not set up.
34,155> kmess(26626) Chat::setSwitchboardConnection: Adding new switchboard's participants to the chat: ("")
34,156> kmess(26626) CurrentAccount::addInvitedContact: ""
34,156> WARNING: ASSERT: "! handle.isEmpty()" in file /home/mandrake/rpm/BUILD/kmess/src/currentaccount.cpp, line 75
34,156> "KMess crashed! -- This should not happen.
Please submit a report at or .
Application version: 2.0beta1-svn ( >= 20090404)
Compiled at: KDE 4.2.2 (KDE 4.2.2), Qt 4.5.0
Running at: KDE 4.2.2 (KDE 4.2.2), Qt 4.5.2
34,156> Running gdb for binary "kmess" (pid 26626 )
34,157> GDB command: "gdb --quiet --batch --nw --nx --ex 'set width 0' --ex 'set height 0' --ex 'echo \n==== (gdb) bt ====\n' --ex bt kmess 26626"
34,159> No backtrace could be generated, gdb returned: 255
34,232> KDE backtrace: "[
0: /usr/lib/ [0xb7ef49de]
1: kmess(_Z10kBacktracei+0x1a) [0x81fd497]
2: kmess(_ZN12CrashHandler12kmessCrashedEi+0xb5d) [0x81fd33b]
3: [0xffffe400]
4: kmess [0x80c34ad]
5: kmess(_ZNK11ContactBase9getHandleEv+0x1d) [0x81064a3]
6: kmess(_ZN4Chat13contactJoinedEP11ContactBaseb+0x2d) [0x80d9fd9]
7: kmess(_ZN4Chat24setSwitchboardConnectionEP24MsnSwitchboardConnection+0xa11) [0x80dad27]
8: kmess(_ZN4Chat10initializeEP24MsnSwitchboardConnection+0x2c7) [0x80db635]
9: kmess(_ZN10ChatMaster10createChatEP24MsnSwitchboardConnectionb+0x391) [0x80bb9cb]
10: kmess(_ZN10ChatMaster11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv+0x47c) [0x80c1cc0]
11: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c3f7d5]
12: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c404d5]
13: kmess(_ZN24MsnSwitchboardConnection17requestChatWindowEPS_+0x3f) [0x816490b]
14: kmess(_ZN24MsnSwitchboardConnection5startERK15ChatInformation+0x5fe) [0x816591c]
15: kmess(_ZN10ChatMaster16startSwitchboardERK15ChatInformation+0x224) [0x80bc7f0]
16: kmess(_ZN10ChatMaster18showSpecialMessageERK11ChatMessagePK24MsnSwitchboardConnection+0x693) [0x80bcf39]
17: kmess(_ZN10ChatMaster11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv+0x358) [0x80c1b9c]
18: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c3f7d5]
19: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c404d5]
20: kmess(_ZN25MsnNotificationConnection14offlineMessageERK11ChatMessage+0x3f) [0x8154005]
21: kmess(_ZN25MsnNotificationConnection17receivedOfflineImERK7QStringS2_S2_RK9QDateTimeS2_S2_i+0xb73) [0x81569a3]
22: kmess(_ZN25MsnNotificationConnection11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv+0xe07) [0x8162027]
23: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c3f7d5]
24: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c404d5]
25: kmess(_ZN16OfflineImService15messageReceivedERK7QStringS2_S2_RK9QDateTimeS2_S2_i+0xb5) [0x81c3a57]
26: kmess(_ZN16OfflineImService23processGetMessageResultEP11SoapMessage+0x8e9) [0x81c5c93]
27: kmess(_ZN16OfflineImService17parseSecureResultEP11SoapMessage+0x12f) [0x81c5e7b]
28: kmess(_ZN20PassportLoginService15parseSoapResultEP11SoapMessage+0x10e) [0x81c8dae]
29: kmess(_ZN18HttpSoapConnection19slotRequestFinishedEP13QNetworkReply+0xaa3) [0x81bff13]
30: kmess(_ZN18HttpSoapConnection11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv+0x12a) [0x81c05e2]
31: kmess(_ZN20PassportLoginService11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv+0x27) [0x81c6e9d]
32: kmess(_ZN16OfflineImService11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv+0x2a) [0x81c3aca]
33: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c3f7d5]
34: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c404d5]
35: /usr/lib/ [0xb69f5385]
36: /usr/lib/ [0xb69f58a7]
37: /usr/lib/ [0xb69f5967]
38: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c3f7d5]
39: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c404d5]
40: /usr/lib/ [0xb6a74c35]
41: /usr/lib/ [0xb6a15615]
42: /usr/lib/ [0xb69fbe0e]
43: /usr/lib/ [0xb6a02be1]
44: /usr/lib/ [0xb6a03179]
45: /usr/lib/ [0xb6a16b52]
46: /usr/lib/ [0xb6a16bff]
47: /usr/lib/ [0xb60a666c]
48: /usr/lib/ [0xb60aedc6]
49: /usr/lib/ [0xb7c42c21]
50: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c299de]
51: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c2a695]
52: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c2a87c]
53: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c5696d]
54: /usr/lib/ [0xb5870cea]
55: /usr/lib/ [0xb5874354]
56: /usr/lib/ [0xb58744df]
57: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c5658a]
58: /usr/lib/ [0xb614b3fa]
59: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c27fa3]
60: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c283fd]
61: /usr/lib/ [0xb6c2a956]
62: /usr/lib/ [0xb60a64d4]
63: kmess(main+0x4cc9) [0x8255efd]
64: /lib/i686/ [0xb5d346a5]
65: kmess [0x80b7d81]
KCrash: Application 'kmess' crashing...
Espero me den una mano. Gracias siempre!
- Entra a tu cuenta o crea una para poder comentar.
# 109043 Veamos...
Renombra el directorio .kde4 completamente por .kde4b, porque el error puede venir por los ficheros de configuración que hay alojados en /.kde4/share.
IMPORTANTE: Recuerda que perderas toda la configuración de kde y tendrás que volver a ponerla, excepto si vuelves a recuperar la carpeta /.kde4b.
Pensandolo bien, antes podrías desinstalar y reiniciar sin volver a instalarlo, luego cuando vuelvas a entrar intenta volver a instalar, no vaya a ser que se quede alguna configuración enganchada y no la suelte hasta que reinicies.
Por otro lado, cuando tengas que pegar mucha info, utiliza pastebin, ya que es muuuu largo.
Podias actualizar esa Mandriva, ya que es un poco "viejecilla" (2009.1) y a lo mejor dicho bugs ya esta solucionado en versiones superiores.
Registered Linux user #472290
MiniBOFH 2008 - MediumBOFH - KapyBOFH - Utiliza RecoverDrake!! (Proyecto Derix)
# 109045 Espera
Él dice:
¿Has probado también a borrar /home/usuario/.kde4/share/config/kmessrc y /home/usuario/.kde4/share/config/kmes.notifyrc?
# 109056 Varios intentos
He desinstalado , borrado las carpetas kmessrc y
kmessrc, reiniciado y vuelto a instalar y el error persiste. Creo que antes de probar con la solucion de renombrar la carpeta kde4 y perder toda la configuracion, prefiero usar algun otro programa de mensajeria. Me parece raro que el error lo haga con 2 cuentas y con las demas no!
Muchas gracias a todos!
# 109395 Casi solucionado
Luego de instalar y usar el emeseme, se me ocurrio abrir nuevamente el kmess. Por alguna razon una de las cuentas que no andaba abrio y nunca tiro el error. Solo sale error con una cuenta.
Primero sale:
Error de kmess : solicitud ingreso web invalido (
Address book service is not available at this time)
y luego salio una sola vez el siguiente error.
The application KMess (kmess) crashed and caused the signal 6 (SIGABRT).
Please help us improve the software you use by filing a report at Useful details include how to reproduce the error, documents that were loaded, etc.
La verdad es que es algo que me supera, yo ya solucione mi problema usando emeseme. Lo comento por que puede a alguien le interese.