* Imagenes de instalación de las versiones estables para Mageia y OpenMandriva.

OpenMandriva: Mageia (Mageia 9) 20/Agosto/2023 - Anuncio, Descargas.

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El Futuro de Mandrake: mas info

En este articulo de OS News, AdamW (mayormente) se dedica a responder a las tipicas preguntas que nos hacemos por aqui. Y luego el tal Marcelo, que parece ser alguien de Conectiva (al menos dice que es Brasileiro y conoce en detalle Conectiva).

A destacar estas respuestas del enlace:

* "OK, so I got my confirmation. future MDK releases _will_ still be available for free download, 100% official. for 2005, Club members get it first, then people who pay to download, then it will be available as a free download (time period between these measured in weeks, not months). I assume same for 2006 and on, but definitely, there will be free ISOs. so can everyone relax now? :)" (AdamW)

* "a translation into the terms most people were familiar with...10.2 = 2005, 10.3 = 2006 (and some Conectiva stuff in it), and from then on, annual releases, keeping the Community / Official structure. " (AdamW)

* "Yes, there will *always* be a freely downloadable version, this has always been an MDKsoft policy. 2005 and 2006 will both be available for free download on the same schedule as 10.1. ISOs available to Club members immediately on release, and to non-members a month or so later. The entire tree will be available on the mirrors immediately upon release, so you'll be able to do an FTP install at no charge right away, or wait for the ISOs if you prefer that" (AdamW)

*"I think these 2006 edition will come with Conectiva's smart (the apt-rpm successor) as package tool and a better KDE (Helio Castro from Conectiva is one the most important KDE developers)." (Marcelo)

*"I for one would prefer if MDK adjusted a bit their release schedule to follow the KDE releases closer; " (someone)

*"Conectiva Stuff: KDE Primary contact in South America:
Helio Chissini de Castro
" (Guilherme Steilein)

* "2005 is a full release. It's really 10.2, it's had a full dev cycle and everything. The only difference is there will be no box sets distributed through retail, and therefore (obviously) the support *that goes along with those* won't be there. But all the support you'd normally get with the freely downloadable or Club versions will happen; there'll definitely be full bugfix and security patches, like with all previous releases" (AdamW)

* "The author of smart is already quite involved with Cooker development, and the MDK devs are quite impressed with it. Rafael (urpmi maintainer) has said he'll consider using it as the default package manager some way in the future. Right now it's still missing several features urpmi has, but overall, it's liked. You can use it on MDK right now if you feel so inclined, it's in contrib for Cooker and 10.2 beta / RC releases. " (AdamW)

* " (quote1)(quote2)Mandrakelinux isn't the product that is aimed at companies.(/quote2)
I think, they trying to change that(/quote1)

No, we're really not, if we wanted to aim MDKlinux at companies we wouldn't have bothered making a big push on Corporate Server and Corporate Desktop :). 'normal' users have always been a big share of MDK's userbase, they're very importan " (AdamW)

?Que tal? ?todos ya mas tranquilitos?


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Gravatar de pacho

# 5205 Más tranquilo pero me asaltan unas dudas :)

¿apt-rpm sustituirá a urpmi o sólo será incluido como ya es incluido actualmente apt-get?

Y la otra duda es que espero que el afán de tener un mejor kde no haga que se despreocupen de gnome...

De todos modos me agrada ver que va a haber un download edition.

Saludos y muchas gracias por la nueva información.

DESCÁRGALO y apoya Mozilla Suite

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