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OpenMandriva: Mageia (Mageia 9) 20/Agosto/2023 - Anuncio, Descargas.

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Vincent Danen: Why I'll never use Linux for my main desktop

En serio que este tipo de entradas da pena mas cuando la imagen que transmite de Mandriva es mala. Más cuando sabemos que Mandriva no tiene nada que ver con ATI. ¿Que trabajo desempeñara este sujeto en Mandriva?

Por cierto si alguien quiere defenderlo solo hay que darse una vuelta por los comentarios del blog donde esta la entrada. :-/

Vincent Danen: Why I'll never use Linux for my main desktop - This might sound a little harsh coming from a guy who's worked for a Linux company for over six years, but things never seem to get easier. Oh sure, the stuff that was hard to deal with last time is easier, but the new features and the stuff you want to check out this time are just as hard as the old crap was last time.

For instance, there's all this talk about the 3D Desktop stuff in Mandriva. Well, I like eye candy so I want to check it out. I don't have a sloucher of a machine either so I know for sure it'll be able to take whatever can be thrown at it. It's an HP Media Centrt PC m7470n which is essentially an Athlon 64 X2 4200+ (2.2GHz), 2GB RAM, ATI Radeon Xpress 200, 300GB SATA drive, and all the other media/TV tuner crap that came with it (it was a powerful machine for a really smoking good price). At any rate, it should be able to handle turning my desktop into a funky cube or whatever the 3d desktop is supposed to do.

Well apparently my system is unsupported. So I spent about 2 hours tonight dicking around, installing the ATI dkms stuff, then realizing I needed the ati rpm, then I had installed the ati-kernel rpm which conflicted with the dkms so I removed the ati-kernel rpm and it still wouldn't work so "dkms status" was telling me nothing so I removed and reinstalled the ati-dkms rpm and in between all of these things I was rebooting just to ensure that stuff would work properly. Well half the time it wasn't loading the fglrx module in the kernel, then I had to configure with XFdrake (I think, the drake that configures X anyways), and it wonked my xorg.conf a bit, then things looked better but glxgears was still only giving me 180FPS which I'm pretty sure is bad, and I'm perusing the Mandriva cooker twiki and the output from glxinfo and finally realize that for some bizarre reason direct rendering is not enabled.

So I look in my Xorg.log files and lo and behold I see:

(WW) fglrx(0): **********************************************
(WW) fglrx(0):
DRI initialization failed!
(WW) fglrx(0):
(maybe driver kernel module missing or bad)
(WW) fglrx(0):
2D acceleraton available (MMIO)
(WW) fglrx(0):
no 3D acceleration available
(WW) fglrx(0): ********************************************
(II) fglrx(0): Acceleration enabled
(II) fglrx(0): Direct rendering disabled


Are you shitting me? I've spent two hours getting the damn ATI kernel module installed, lsmod most definitely tells me that fglrx is loaded and I get this? Suffice it say I gave up. But I'm a stubborn guy so I'll qualify that with a "for now".

At any rate I'm less than impressed. Well, with this. Mandriva 2007 seems pretty nice so far (well, I installed RC2 and synced up with cooker right after the install). The 3d desktop is of less importance to me than getting vmware server working on it, but it would have been nice to play with since this is one of the premier features. Sadly, I need a lot more hand-holding than I'm getting.

This kind of thing is precisely why, for me, Linux belongs on the server. Now if those kernel-developing idiots would get there act together and give us a 2.6 kernel that was a) stable and b) supported for more than a week, then I'd really be pleased. I don't think the problem with Linux on the desktop is Linux... Linux, and the associated bits and pieces make a fine desktop. It works really really well. The problem is how the desktop compares with other desktops. If you just need a functional, no eye-candy, all business desktop... look no further than any Linux distro with an X server. If you want something fun and fancy prepare to either obtain that with wall paper and skins/themes or a few hours of cussing out your machine. Frankly, I don't have the time to waste on something on that should just plain work.

Yes, I'm ranting... =) It pisses me off that I can't get that cuby thing on my spanky machine in a reasonable amount of time (I'd be more than happy to invest half an hour, but upwards of 2hrs? Come on!). [Planet Mandriva]

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# 22695 Yo a este le despedía sin más

Sino cree en su trabajo lo mejor es que lo deje.

Si su sistema no esta soportado, no lo está y punto. Que no se queje si se lo ha comprado sabiendo de antemano que podría tener problemas. Yo no me pongo a llorar porque mi cd de hasefroch no se instala en un sparc. Tampoco veo a nadie metiendo un juego de la XBOX en la PS2 y quejandose porque no funciona. Si en vez de tener ese pedazo de ordenador se lo hubiera comprado buscando que fuera compatible con Linux no tendría esos problemas.

Si RMS escribe una pancarta diciendo que no se compre ATI es un radical, por boicotear y quejarse de esa compañía, en cambio si alguien se queja de que su tarjeta sabiendo que es hardware cerrado, que no libera los drivers, que siempre ha tenido una dejadez enorme con respecto a Linux y a OpenGL, no le va en Linux, es que claro Linux es una mierda y sus desarrolladores tontos del culo. No le gusta el modelo de desarrollo del kernel y hay que llamarlos idiotas, encambio el modelo de desarrollo de drivers de ATI ,cerrado, y que cuando les salga de los cojones te quedas sin drivers para tu tarjeta, o sin soporte para otros sistemas operativos más que para Windows es el modelo bueno, al que se tienen que acoplar el resto del mundo.

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# 22713 Je je je... Todo el mundo le dio palo...

Y yo me incluyo... con un computador de hace 4 años y con la ayuda de blogdrake hice funcionar el sunna-ONE y probar el bendito XGL ;)

De cualquier forma cada quien es libre de pensar lo que quiera y decirlo... más en un blog... aunque claro está, no tenga razón.

Tampoco es pa que lo hechen sino que lo hagan entrar en razón... A ver si coge juicio y hace las cosas al derecho.



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# 22876 Por lo visto, el cristiano ya hizo la tarea...

Despues de la bateada que le dieron,,, al fin se puso juicioso y lo logró, por lo que si alguien tiene una ATI Radeon XPress 200, en este enlace: "Mandriva 2007, ATI Radeon Xpress 200, and Xgl", está como activarla con XGL.



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