* Imagenes de instalación de las versiones estables para Mageia y OpenMandriva.

OpenMandriva: Mageia (Mageia 9) 20/Agosto/2023 - Anuncio, Descargas.

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Joysticks, force feedback and racing games working under Gnu/linux

Recently I bought this joystick to play some races on my spare time at home.

Sounds good, right? It's just a toy but it's worth it.

I am using Mandriva 2009.1, and Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5200 @2.50GHz with video card NVIDIA GeForce 7100.

Once I found out that it worked properly on Linux,
I said to myself: ok,lets burn some tire.

The fact is that this article is the result of a long period of testing because I wanted to know the use that these devices can give on Linux today.

One feature to consider on the steering wheel to completely work is that the force feedback works.

Without this part of the device working, driving becomes unreal, and as a result of even half the fun.

I was surprised when I found out that only one native game suported Force Feedback.

Thank goodness there are good emulators. Wine is always there to get us out of the ditch.

Before we begin to carry on with the tests you should go to


and see if your device has Force Feedback on GNU/Linux, and what driver it uses.

1-Configuration and basic commands
2-Natives Games
3-Wine Games
4-Wine + Gerald Folcher's Hack
5-Cedega Games

Well thats it for now, every new discovery and new games, will be added here.

NOTE: The Force Feedback,is giving by two diferents drivers,hid and i-force.All tests have been done with hid driver,am not sure if it will go the same with i-force driver.

Surely it would be interesting if someone had a steering wheel using i-force driver,to do these tests and to clarify better this issue about steering wheels and GNU/Linux.